Chapter 27- Welcome home Aphmau

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3rd person P.O.V:

The car carrying Aphmau, Aaron, Laurence, Katelyn and Garroth had pulled up into the driveway of her mothers old house and Aphmau got a lump in her throat. The house she grew up in... Without the mother who brought her up... Soon enough they all were out of the car with their belongings and Aphmau slowly walked up the path, concentrating on one of two things, not shaking too much and not crying. There's one thing she knew and that was that her mother hated to see her cry. 

Katelyn followed shortly after and gently touched Aphmau's shoulder before sending her a comforting smile, Aphmau smiled sadly before shakily pulling the spare key from under the welcome mat and hesitantly unlocking the door. Although all the furniture was still in their and the rooms were as perfectly decorated as ever, the house seemed bare and the silence was deafening to Aphmau. One by one each friend walked into the house before gently placing their bags at the side of the door. 

"Right... I need to go to sort any arrangements at the church for the funeral..." Everyone stood silent and nodded. Well, all that is apart from Katelyn. 

Katelyn's P.O.V:

The bad feeling hadn't gone anywhere at all... Something bad was going to happen, I could just feel it... I had a churning feeling in my stomach that just couldn't make me feel anything but anxiety. 

"I'm coming with you"

Aphmau looked at me surprised "You... What?" 

"I'm coming with you... You don't think I'm going to let you go out their on your own. I know its Pheonix Drop and all but we haven't been here in years, things might not be the same as it was back when we were kids... Aphmau it isn't safe for you to go on your own, I'm coming with you..." 

Aphmau nodded hesitantly as the rest of the boys nodded at me and walked further into the house. Nothing will happen to Aphmau, not with me around to protect her. 

"Well, lets go then..." 

I nod and set back out of the house with Aphmau by my side. Luckily, the church was only a half hour walk away. So it shouldn't be too dark then... You see, that's what made it all more suspicious to me... Since when are funerals in the evening? They're usually around 12:30/1:00 pm... 

Nevertheless, we continued our journey and I noticed how dark it had started getting which made me even more tense... 

Aphmau's P.O.V:

I couldn't help but notice Katelyn feeling on edge, once we had arrived nearby to the church I stopped walking at a lamppost.

"Katelyn, I want you to stay here whilst I talk to the man. Please, respect my wishes..." 

She hesitated but soon enough nodded and stood under the light of the lamp.

"I'll be right here, just call me if you need me..." 

I smile couragously and nod. If there was ever a time I needed to be brave, it was now more than ever. I took a deep breath and walked out of the lamps light towards the church and noticed a figure in the corner of my eye... That must have been the person who sent the letter... 

"Excuse me?... Did you send me the letter?..." 

The man turned to me and I saw two beady eyes glaring at me... I immediately felt uneasy. 

"Hello?... Excu-" I interrupted myself as a scream erupted from my voice, I immediately fell to the ground and my vision blurred. I saw a black haired man stoop down below me and smirk before throwing his strong knuckles into my face... Everything went dark...

Katelyn's P.O.V:

Aphmau screamed. "Aph..." I said outloud to myself before running as fast as my feet could carry me towards the church. By the time I reached it I saw blood, blood was everywhere... 


Oh god... This is all my fault. I shouldn't have let her go on her own... 

"APH!" I screamed her name out at the top of my lungs before falling to my knees outside of the church and sobbing. I failed to protect her. I need to tell the guys... 

I quickly pulled my phone out and called the guys on a group call

Group Call: (G-Garroth, K-katelyn, A-Aaron, L-Laurence)

G- Katelyn? What's wrong?...

K- Garroth! Where are the others? 

G- They haven't joined the call, we are all in the same room afterall 

G- Wait Katelyn... Are you crying?

K- Garroth... Aphmau has been kidnapped... There's blood everywhere...

G- W-What?!

K- She said she wanted to talk to the guy alone, I said I'd be there if she needed me and all she'd have to do is shout. I heared her scream but by the time I got there... By the time I had gotten to the church the street was filled with blood and she was no where to be seen...

G- I'll tell the others, we'll get to finding her right away, but for now... You come back. Losing one person is enough... Hurry back 

K-....... Fine.......

End of group call.

Aphmau's P.O.V: 

I opened my eyes to find myself in a dimly lit room, my legs and arms were tied tightly with ropes. Where on earth was I?...

"Glad you could join us here, dearie..." 

I followed the sound of the voice, squinting my eyes to see if I could see where it had come from, noticing a anonymous figure.

"W-Who's there?..."

"Wow, my dear... Has it been so long that you don't even recognise my voice?" 

Who was it?! I sat in silence for a moment before answering

"Come into the light and I might think about answering you..." 

"you mean you might think twice? So be it..." I heard footsteps, large, heavy footsteps. Suddenly black hair was revealed along with a pale blue eye and pale skin, lips covered by a dark mask. Yes... Yes I recognise this man... 


He laughed menacingly "Well done my dear..."

"What do you want from me?!" 

He smirked and snickered quietly "I just want some answers..." 

"Well, I refuse to answer anything you ask me!"

"Well in that case... Welcome home, Aphmau... You won't be leaving until I get my answers"

And just like that Zane turned and left back into the shadow, the words he spat out of his disgusting little mouth stained my brain and I couldn't think of anything else... 

Welcome home Aphmau... 

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