Chapter 26- New Perspective

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??? P.O.V:
"Finally... The day has come! It's the 27th. Aphmau will finally be back in Phoenix Drop, it will be so much easier to take her as my own now. Here's her thinking she's going to a funeral and really, she's coming saving her mother" I turned to face Sylvanna, tied up and pushing against her ropes, restless to break free. The cloth from inside her mouth suddenly fell out and she let out a breath of relief at the sudden feeling
"You won't get away with this!"
I smirk at her before walking over and tightly gripping her chin in my hand

"I already have..."

With a click of my fingers, Sylvanna was gone. I'd sent her to another world. A world where Aphmau could never find her, a world were  wouldn't even have any memories of her "precious meiha". An evil laugh slipped through my lips that hadn't happened in a while. I look towards the window and smirk

"I'm coming for you Aphmau. Or, even better. You're coming to me... hahahahahaha!"

Sylvanna's P.O.V:

Where am I?...

I open my eyes and look around to find golden paths and brightly coloured people in all shapes colours and sizes.

I can't remember anything.

"Your highness!" I turn at the low voice and see an extremely handsome man with blue hair dressed as a knight. Wait... is that...


Why is that name so special to me? Who is Eric?...

The knight bowed

"That is Sir Eric to you, your highness. Now where did you go? I was supposed to be assisting you to the bridge to meet the king and instead I find you lying next to a blossom tree in lavender fields!"
Lavender... purple... why is that so...
Why does that mean so much to me?...

"I... I don't want to meet the king now... can you help me pick some of those lavenders and then assist me-" my voice trailed off. I was about to ask him to take me home. But where even is my home?

Who even am I?!

Aphmau's P.O.V:

I walk hesitantly towards the car door with all my friends trailing behind me. We all have bags with just a few items in them. I looked towards Laurence and smiled sadly. He returned the action before coming over and taking my hand. "Don't worry Aphmau. We're all here for you..." Garroth, Katelyn and Aaron walked out of the house smiling sadly at me. He's right... I'm not alone in this. I smile again
"Thank you guys..." I sigh and open the car door "let's go." I hop into the passenger seat, I really wish I'd learnt how to drive... Aaron gets behind the wheel beside me and Katelyn, Laurence and Garroth slided into the back. Katelyn in the middle so she can see.
"Let's do this..."
Aaron nods and starts the car and we all fasten our seat belts.

Let's just do this...

Garroth's P.O.V:

I looked ahead and looked at Aphmau... she looked so tense... I leaned backwards and sighed. What could I possibly do to help? I sigh and put my head back before looking out the window watching the clouds fly by hastily. I could hear Laurence playing his stupid flappy fairy game. It's so dumb. If you don't keep tapping you crash and if you tap too much you crash. It's impossible to beat. I don't know how Laurence got through 156 of those stupid tube thingies... he's annoying. Katelyn had her eyes closed and was humming so I'm guessing she was meditating. It's gonna be insane being back home... being back in the town I grew up in is just... it's so insane! I never imagined that I'd be back here. Not in a million years. I never thought of even visiting again... and now, I'm going to my best friend and major crushes mothers funeral. She's so unlucky... I should really go see my mother, it's been so long... I miss her.

Laurence's P.O.V:

I stare at my phone and tap the screen in the rhythm I had figured out. I was so close to beating my high score!

I overheard Aaron talking quietly to Aphmau and listened in whilst playing flappy fairies.

"Aphmau? Are you okay?..."

"I'm fine Aaron... I just wish I could just see my mother again... I miss her..."

"I understand, but listen Aphmau, we're all here for you. We know exactly how you feel"

'No one understands better than me though...' I thought to myself. I crashed into the tubes and was only one away from beating my highscore. I frustratedly threw my phone to the floor. 


The whole car, apart from Aphmau... She screamed, had gone silent. Aaron pulled over to the side in the highway and glared backwards at me, he looked furious. 

"You idiot! We nearly crashed! You startled poor Aph and caused us nearly to lose all our lives over a stupid game! Learn to control your anger issues and shut up!"

I'd never gone silent so quickly in my life... Aph looked so scared... Everyone did... I could have killed them... I could have killed them all. There's enough blood that's been shed... I looked out of the window as the car began to take off once again. 

Aaron's P.O.V:

I held the stirring-wheel tightly whilst driving... I'm still so mad at Laurence... I looked up and saw a sign... "Pheonix Drop- 23 miles away" 

'Hmm... We're about 2o minutes away now...' 

I don't have a very good feeling about this though... It was all left far too last minute... Maybe I'm just thinking far too into it. Besides, who would even lie to someone about their mother dying? It's just not right... But what if someone did? What if someone was sick enough to...

I shook the thoughts out of my head and kept my concentration on the road... 

"15 minutes away now..." 

I hear Aphmau sigh and as I stop at traffic lights I reach over and place my hand on top of hers causing her to open her eyes and curiously look down at her hand before looking up at me. 

"Everything will be okay, it's just time to look at this in a new perspective"

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