a Sunflower in the Rain🌻

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Heavy breath. The uneasiness and my heart, it’s pounding like a hammer wanting to outburst. I gulp hard. Macaroon Cream colored door with an old style knocker in the middle even if there's a doorbell on the side. I smirk, still love the old stuff are we, Margo.

I shook my hands. Standing in front of her doorstep is kinda nerve wracking. The flight itself felt hell! I just want to see her. I smile shakily. The moment she open this door I’m going to kiss her, hug her tight until she can’t breath and.. And I don’t know. I don’t care about what people will say or think, if there’s a paparazzi, I don’t care. I just want to touch her, feel her, every fiber of her.

I heard footsteps on the other side.

“I’m still not used of you calling me that!”

My world stop.

It’s her. Pyper’s address is right. She really is telling the truth. And she’s with someone?

“Yeah, whatever, but I think our delivery is here!”

And there, chill run down my spine and every nerve I have stood on end. Those thin rosy lips, little pointy nose and her dark brown eyes that went wide the moment it landed on mine. Wearing an oversized sweater that covers half of her diminutive body with glasses and a messy bun towering her, she’s still the dork that I love.

For a brief, no one seems to move until a trace of hand slither around her waist and my heart just stop to that. Margo stiffen then turn to her side. A smiling Cara pop out from her back still giggling from what it seems their conversation earlier. I frown.

Is this what they're talking about? Is this the ‘too late’ they've been telling me over  and over again. I step back. Cara’s huge smile vanished the moment she saw me standing there, shock shown in her face.

I wanted to say something but my words betrayed me and with one last look at my precious, I turn my back from her doorway and walk away.

KEN!” I heard her cry my name and all I wanted is to go back there and be with her but for what? To torture myself, let the truth slap in front of my face. That I was a stupid brat who let her most important and precious person slip away just because of stupid rumor. I felt like the world just crash on me. Every step I made feels like a cracking bone. I pressed my lips frowning furiously.

I was too late.

Cara. Of course. I puff as tears stream down on my face. The door of her apartment building slammed loudly as I stormed out. Why didn't I see that coming. I heard footsteps coming right at me. That must be the paparazzi. They always come at the right time don't they.  A hand grab me from my back but I managed to shake the hand off. My jaw tightens. Why does it have to be now! Can’t they bug later. But the hand grab me again turning me roughly around.



“I’m glad you’re here!” twinkling blue eyes as always. I tucked her now platinum blond hair in her ear. Are you saying those just to lighten me up or you're glad you could finally spit it to my face? That you and Margo are finally together. I reply with a faint smile.

Dark old woods but gentle to the eyes, enough lights for those people who want to read around the corner and two barista in the counter. It’s almost deserted or it was closed for us to talk properly.

The place is hinden and if you don’t know about it, you wouldn’t even think it exist. Perfect place for celebrity like us. Is this where they go when they want to go out and have peace? I breathe in. The aromatic smell of the coffee spreads all over the place and it was good not only the smell but also the taste. Well, it’s a coffee shop after all right.

“Kendall.” she cock her face closer to me. Cara took off her black coat leaving her in gray sweats with rainbow stripes in the middle.

I glance at her then back to my pastry. “Do you know she loves light color.” I saw her blink. “Yeah, and I still don’t know why she bought a matte black Ducati when she love light color. Maybe just to go with my style. Do you also know that she’s not into sweets and chocolate! She’s the only person I know that doesn’t into it except for barries. Blueberry, cranberry and most of all strawberry but I think those are not really sweet cause I find them sour.” I squint not sure of what I just said. “She love collecting aged wine but doesn’t really drink it and do you know why? Because she gets drunk easily!” I laugh at my own joke but Cara just looked at me in awe. My hand run to my coffee. “She love reading with a cup of coffee beside her. You can never take her attention from reading not unless you disturb her yourself.” Then my gaze was caught by an old piano sitting at the right side corner of the cafe. “And she love classical music she’s an old soul. If you ever saw her playing, she is just like an angel and her voice-”

“I haven’t seen her play nor sang.” I look at Cara. Sadness loom in the corner of her eyes. What are those for when you're with her now.

“Well, she’s a geek and she will never show you what she is capable of unless you caught her or you ask her. She’ll appreciate everything you do and be contented on whatever you give her. She is a minimalist person and a sunflower in the rain!-”

“She’s still yours, Ken.” from the piano she turn her face back to me. “Margo has never been mine.”

And... we're almost at the last part and thank you for reading this story I hope you all enjoy it.
I know the first chapters are... not that good. I'm still learning you know.
I'm planning to continue the MaKe story but maybe not now. I'm doing another stuff and I hope you all guys will check it out once I publish it.

Don't forget to comment down bellow! I'll very MUCH appreciate it!😘

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