That Random Read 📑

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It's been two weeks since that day I shouted at a paparazzi and told the whole world that Margo is my girl. A smile couldn't help to escape on my face just from the thought of it. Well, I didn't actually confirmed it yet and now everyone is asking if we're actually dating or just friends. The surprising fact about it is that, my mom haven't said anything about the rumors. Not even once and it's kinda disturbing me? I don't know if I'm going to be happy or nervous because usually just a single rumor will lit her up like a snap and nag me. But now, I didn't even received a single message from her. Which is so not my mom.

At first, everyone is asking who’s Margo. Where she came from, how long have we been dating and everything then the next thing you'll know they were bashing her. That she only got her fame because of me and the girls. She is short and not capable of being a model. Everyone is attacking her in social media but not everyone. There are some who admire her and how she handles her bashers. Especially the one that happened two days ago. When three of them, Gigi and Bella were out and they were happily mingling with their fans. When a guy suddenly grab Gigi and literally lift her up which made Gi to freaked out. As for their bodyguards who were busy minding some of the fans didn't have the chance to stop the guy and escaped. But then he was suddenly flipped and fell hard on the ground by someone and when that person turn around it was Margo who did it. The guy stand up and tried to push Margo away but instead she grabbed his wrist and twisted it then push him down to the ground again.

I was in Dubai when that incident happened but of course Gi and Bells didn't fail to catch me up through FaceTime, in details. Gigi said that everyone cheered when she did that but when that incident went to the internet, people judge Margo as a violent bitch who strikes her own fan. There's actually a video of that but most part that got shot was the time when Margo was twisting the guys hand and push him down to the ground. There are so many violent reaction to it but again not all.

“you guys didn't know the whole truth so shut up. I was there and Margo was just protecting Gigi from that imprudent asshole!”

“yes, I was there too and he just grabbed Gigi out of nowhere. Good thing Margo was fast and catch that douchebag!😤

“she was actually cool! Judo flipping that maniac! I love her even MORE!😍 Kendall is so lucky to have her.”

That last comment made me smile. I relax on my seat at the plane. I sure am lucky.

After almost a week jumping around the world, finally am going back to LA. I thought it would be easier to be together cause we’re both models now but it doesn't, we have different schedule. I miss her so much. After this dinner with the client I could finally go home to Margo. I can't wait to see her.

As I enter the house, a stern face Margo welcomed me sitting on the couch. Until she tilt her head up and saw me. I smile as she never change until now. Her stern face always lit up and show a genuinely smile every time she sees me but seconds later when I realize it wasn’t a smile but a grin. I frown a bit. She approach me with these devilish grin not an evil and dark grin but more like a sexy devilish grin.

“Heeey… Kenny Booo.” I could smell her sweet and minty breath as she say hello and it really is minty because as soon as her lips touched mine and run her tongue softly on my lower lip it gives a little  shiver.

“Hey.” is the only thing came out of my mouth.

“Did you eat already?” Margo ask as she play the mint candy in her mouth.

“Yeah, I did told you that we had dinner with the client right?” she just nod with those smile not breaking eye contact to me.

I miss you soooo much.” she said whispering into my ears. She’s so weird  today. Well, it's  Margo who I’m talking with maybe she's  just weirding out. We haven't  had the chance to talk to each other properly  for a couple of days because  of our separate schedule and now, we final have the time. And tomorrow we both have the day off. I smile. “What are you eating?” we flopped  down to the couch.

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