that cold sunset air

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Last night didn’t go well. I thought we’re having a good time. I thought I am changing her mind but I didn’t and last night she finally have decided. I can’t let her do that, I can’t! I… I just can’t. I heard her sobbing in the middle of the night again and it breaks my heart. I want to hug her tight and say ‘it’ll all be okay” though I know it’s still hard for her. I open my eyes and sat up on the bed. And today, as promise, we’re going around Hammersmith before going back to New York. I still have a chance to make her change her mind! And I. Will. Do. Everything. But first thing’s first, let’s wash these unwanted bad breath shall we. I turn around to see Margo still all covered in our gray blanket.  

I went straight to the bathroom still my eyes a little blurry from my sleep when I heard someone.

“G’day lass!” her high pitch tone echoed all over. My eyes widen and turn to the shower. Boasting her Irish accent a naked Margo greets me in a high spirit. Like a snap I turn away my gaze from her but then my eyes went to the mirror flashing her reflection, smiling brightly. The lower part of the shower glass is blurry so I couldn’t really see those glorious curves everyone wanted to see. Which I’m not sure if it’s a bloody good thing or not. I gulp. This is kinda awkward. Do I need to get out? Of course you need to get out you chump!

“C, it’s fine.” she smile on me.

“I’m sorry the door is unlocked so I assume there’s no one in here and..” I pause. “I thought you’re still asleep?!” I frown turning to her trying not to look at those spectaculars.

She returned a confused look till her face cleared. “Oh, those are pillows. You didn’t noticed?” she ask.

“No, I thought you were still asleep! Anyways, if you want me to go I’ll go.” I turn to the door and started to walk away but she stop me.

“It’s fine C, I’m used to it. I’m almost done so if you want to brush your teeth or wash your face go ahead. I don’t mind.” she said soaking back into the shower. “I’m sorry if I startled you. There, the shower is all yours.” tucking a towel around her she went out.

« ● ○ ◎ ◎ »

“Lucky I told you I can’t and I can’t drink! I’ve already told you that before!” I protest. After our last shoot, Lucky ask me again to hang out with him which I’m going to turn down again. Why? First of, I hate clubs. It’s noisy, too crowded and I only go for the sake of my friends and the girls know it. Second,  clubs and alcohols. Always sticks together and can’t be separated and he knows I can’t drink because I have a promise to My Kenny. And third? The damn media and their shity rumors. Though they know we have our own partner they’ve been such a pain spreading some sickening rumors about Lucky and I being secretly dating. Like, what the hell people!

“Pyper will come Margo don’t worry.” flashing his hundred million dollar smile. I raised my eyebrow on him.

“He’s right Margo. I’ll make sure you’ll get home safe and sound.” I tilt my head to the side to see Pyper coming right at us. I sigh. These siblings won’t stop until they make me come with them.

“Okay, but remember I can’t drink. Not a single shot are we clear about that?”

“Yes, ma’am!” they said in unition.”

“Hi, Tanny.” her pity voice rang on the other line bringing me back to reality.

“H-hey, Bulged.”

“How are you doing?” she added.

“Just fine. How is she?”

“I’ve got to be honest Tanny. She’s… Doing good but… She’s still a wreck.” she said completing her words. “She goes to her shoots late and goes home so drunk. You could hear her crying in the middle of the night and have this sleeping paralysis which makes everyone freaks out. I’m actually at her house now.” she pause. “How about you? I’m happy you called. I’ve been worried sick about you too.” I smile on her last words. Behind what I did to her sister, she didn’t get mad at me and hear me first.

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