French Toast

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Chopin nocturne op.9 no.2, I really don’t like classic. I don’t even know Beethoven or Chopin or Mozart though I might be already listing to  their piece at some fancy restaurant and not knowing it's theirs. I even sound nerd now when I talk about them but I’m starting to like it.

I woke up with the soft playing piano outside the room, seconds later a buttery smell tickle my nose, I smile. I’m starting to get to used to these every morning, I stand up and slowly walk to where savory smell is. I could smell her French toast and her favorite waffle in the air; hear the bacon and eggs sizzle as I close by. I can’t stop smiling with the thought of her cooking happily and enthusiastically as she humm. Oh, and don’t forget her freshly brewed coffee, I slowly sneak around her. Behind those ravishing smell, what I love the most is she could still tell if I’m around just because of my scent.

“Silly girl. Good Morning!” Margo turn around with her eyes sparkling and her smile are brightly shining,I pause. Her classic music, her French toast, her coffee and her Good Mornings are so simple yet so special.

“Good morning.” I smiled back.

“Hungry?” she came close to me and went to her tippie toes just to give me my morning kiss on the forehead. “Don’t worry I’ll let you play your track later.” she added. Margo knows that I’m not into classics that’s why every morning when I’m still asleep she play some. I actually don’t mind because I love it now. Margo pull me into a seat then suddenly the door to our suit went open and slammed closed. I nearly forgot that we’re still in New York just because of Margo’s doing.

“WHO NEED’S BREAKFAST!” Bella shout across the living area. Bitches are here, I rolled my eyes. Do they always need to be a nutcracker.

“Did you put some cheese dogs on your waffle Margo?” Hailey said as each of them took seats.

“I’d go for the French toast.” Gigi said as she ate a mouthful. I turn to Margo who’s smiling.

“Of course I did. It’s what you like right!” Margo said.

And so we had a loud breakfast with the girls and since we have the day off they decided to go shopping. Why not, I’ve been wanting to buy clothes for Margo since she doesn’t really like  buying too much  and it will be our first time going out together in public, officially. I can hold her hands or even kiss her, wait, I think kissing her is too much. She’s not a public display kinda person. Margo might just freaked out but in any case we are finally official and I don’t care what mom will say or the others about me coming out.

As we drive around the city, we decided to drop at a corner of a street and just walk so we could check every store we could pass by and as usual paps are always present. The four of us got mob except for Margo and because of that she always get separated.

~ 0 0 0 ~

After last night, I still feel like I am dreaming! Finally I could do whatever I want to do with her whether in public or in private. I grin as the thought of it.

“Hey, what are you smiling about?” Hailey ask as we sat after we get our froyos.

“Probably what they’ll gonna do later at night with Ken.” Bella tease with a dirty look turning to Ken.

“Shut up!” Kendall blush then slaps Bella.

Speaking of, I’ve never really do the it yet and what if I sucks and Ken will get bored of me and left me?! I don’t even know if I’m good at kissing. I’ve never had a proper kiss it’s always when I’m drunk. Last night was a relief cause it’s just a poke on the lips but… I should have tried Camille suggestion back then. I should’ve read some… No. We’ll get to that Margo just relax Kenny won't waste seven months with you if she’s only for that.

“Margo, let’s go.” Kendall shook me from my daydream. I tilt my head up. “Is there something wrong?” her face with concern.

“No, of course not. I was just… overwhelmed.” I smiled. She smiled and took my hand and intertwined it with hers as we storm out of the froyo store.

The paparazzi never fail to follow us as we entered a couple more boutique. It’s a good thing that they still don’t know me cause base on what I am looking now with Ken and the three other girls, it’s cringing. But every now and then some of the paps notices me that I’m actually with the girls and ask me who I am but always shrug them off.

“I wanna add something on my collection can we go look for a store where I could buy one?” I went to catch-up with Kenny to ask. She just nod because they kinda have this rule that never talk in front of paparazzi’s because they’ll have some stupid idea and misunderstood it and make some nonsense rumors. Then a dude ask me who I am again.

“Oh, I’m just nobody.” I told him smiling.

“Then back off bitch. You’re on our way!” another dude shout at me. Suddenly Kenny stopped walking making Gigi and the others bump with each other.

“Watch your mouth over there. That’s my girl you are talking to!” Kendall scold the pap who shouts at me. Then flashes of cameras are unstoppingly clicking towards me and Ken. I was shocked. I felt like the world just stopped, I mean she never, never I have thought she would do that. Kenny took my hand and interlock it with hers and continue walking but I didn’t move a single. I saw the girls reaction and was amazed too. Paparazzi are now asking multiple questions but I could only hear them blurry.

“Margo.” Kenny pull me with her calm and dominantly voice but my feet were stuck. “Marg…” she turned and looked at me. I can’t help but to smile like an idiot and I heard the girls chuckle at the back.

“Did you just said that?” Is the only word that came out of my mouth. I heard Kenny sigh and just shook her head. “C’mon! Did you just said that?!” I ask her again shaking our interlocked hands. Then I see her sheepish smile turn to huge sweet smile. I turn to the dude who just shouted at me.

“Mister, YOU just made my day even better.”  

I know it's kinda like a granny googoo about the Chopin, but this came up because that piece.
Yeah.... hahaha I got a little thing for classics and I hope you'd like this chapter.
Please comment down bellow I'd really, REALLY appreciate it.
Violent reaction is very much welcome😄

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