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She was a mystery to him and he wanted to discover her mystery.


It was Tuesday.

As usual you 1st drove Y/N to her college. You've noticed that these days she looks all tired, exhausted and worn out. Her skin looks pale than before as if she is a peace of white paper. You've asked her many times if she was okay, if she needed any help or needed to see the doctors. But as always she declined your offers politely saying she was fine.

Jungkook: Are you sure you want to continue your classes? I mean you can take a day off. You look really sick.
Y/N: It's okay. I'm completely fine, thanks for your concern.

She flashed you a weak small smile to ensure that she was fine. You sighed and said,

Jungkook: You won't ever give up, will you? Okay then but if anything happens just give me a call, okay?
Y/N: Okay.

Jungkook: I'll leave now. Bye.
Y/N: Bye.


You and Jungkook were gradually becoming close friends. He is always sweet towards you of which you don't still don't know why. He even bought you a new phone which you didn't want to take at first but of course Jungkook being Jungkook had convinced you to take it.


It's been 2 weeks you've lost your phone and Jungkook helped you to search for it. He even got help from the police. Until one day he came to your room with a gloomy face.

Y/N: What happened?
Jungkook: The police informed me that they've been constantly trying to find your phone but there is no sign of it. They said that you can't get it back as they can't find it anywhere where you went or go to everyday. So...I think you should quit and buy a new phone instead.

Y/N: O...O.. I see...

Jungkook saw the sadness behind your eyes. He also noticed that it might be hard for you to buy a new phone with a part time job. He knew if he approach to help you or offer you any help you would probably decline or reject his offer as always. But he also understands that at present days nobody can pass a day without a phone. "What if there is an emergency and she can't contract anyone?" he thought

The next morning you woke up and went to the bathroom to do your morning routine. When you came out of the bathroom you saw a box on the nightstand. You went near to it and opened it. As soon as you opened it your eyes shoot open.

In the box there was iPhone X!

Never in your life you've thought of buying an iPhone. With your hardships it'll be hard for you to buy any normal phone and now there was a brand new iPhone X.

You've asked Jungkook why did he buy it and he just simply said it was a sorry gift for you. Of course being yourself you told him you don't need it but Jungkook also being himself convinced you. So eventually you gave up and took the phone as you also need a phone.

*End of Flashback*

You didn't have any class on the 1st period so you went to library to study for sometime as you don't get enough time to read. Yes, you were on of the top students but these days it's been hard for you to study as you didn't have enough energy to study at night.

On the other hand Jungkook had been working hard lately to take over his dad's company. He wanted to be perfect for the position of the CEO. He wanted to make his parents proud of himself.


Soon the day ended. And it was 9 pm. Jungkook was already home while Y/N was still outside. Jungkook called her to know where she was as he was a little bit worried for her.

<On The Phone>
Jungkook: Hello, Y/N. Where are you?
Y/N: I'm on the way.

Jungkook: I see. I was just wondering what were taking you so late. Anyways bye.
Y/N: Um..Bye.
<Call Ended>

*Time skip to the next day*

Jungkook got ready for work but you were seen nowhere in the living room nor the dinning room, so he had to check on you in your room - Jungkook's guest room. "Still asleep?!"

Jungkook: Hey, wake up. You'll be late if you won't wake up now!

You woke up and stared at him as you were trying to gain you consciousness.

Jungkook: Stop staring at me like a creep and get ready.
Y/N: For what?

Jungkook: For college duh, what else?
Y/N: But I don't have classes till next week.

Jungkook: And why is that?
Y/N: The college have arraged a camp for the senior students who will be graduating by the end of this year and they'll be back next week. Till then no classes.

Jungkook: Then what are you doing here? I mean aren't you one of the senior students? Aren't you supposed to go with them?
Y/N: Yeah but I didn't go.

Jungkook: Then what are you doing here? I mean aren't you one of the senior students? Aren't you supposed to go with them?Y/N: Yeah but I didn't go

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He looked at Y/N confused. Who wouldn't want to go to camp? Camping is so fun. And here Y/N was laying in her bed, didn't go to camp when it is her last year of college.

Jungkook: Why tho?
Y/N: I just...don't feel like camping. And also I can't get leave from works so there is no chance for me. I think you should go now or else you will get late.

Jungkook's eyes immediately shoot wide as he checked the time, he hurriedly went out to his car and drove off.

As he was driving he was still confused by Y/N. "Why are you so different? Why do I feel curious whenever I talk to you? What is your mystery?" but the only person who could answer his questions was Y/N herself.

Ťó bé ćóńťíńúéď..........

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