- Chapter Eighteen -

Start from the beginning

Baekhyun smiled and lightly kissed Chanyeol before murmuring "Hey" back. Chanyeol rubbed a hand over his face and raked it through his hair. "Um," Chanyeol mumbled. "I still feel so exhausted." Baekhyun nodded and murmured, "Yeah, so do I."

"It was worth it though," Chanyeol said as he remembered those three amazing days. Baekhyun must have been thinking about it too because he sighed and dropped back onto the bed as he said, "I hope we can do something like that again . . ."

Chanyeol rolled over onto his side and brushed his hand across Baekhyun's forehead, brushing his hair back as he said, "Sure we will, Baek, but first, lets tell my parents."

"Do you think they'll be happy?" Baekhyun suddenly whispered.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun confusedly and said, "Yeah Baek, why wouldn't they?"

"Because I've caused you so much pain," Baekhyun whispered, not meeting Chanyeol's eyes.

This saddened Chanyeol. Why did Baekhyun still have to think that way? Sighing, Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun's forehead and gently placed his thumb and index-finger on Baekhyun's chin, pivoting Baekhyun's head until he had forced Baekhyun to look at him. "Baek, you've caused me happiness too, and that pain isn't enough to drive me away. It isn't enough to stop me from loving you. This" — Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun hand, the one that held their beautiful engagement ring — ". . . This binds us, Baek, and I'm never letting that go. You're stuck with me forever," Chanyeol whispered as he tenderly kissed Baekhyun's lips.

Baekhyun's p.o.v.

Baekhyun's eyes fluttered at Chanyeol's gentle touch as he wrapped an arm around Chanyeol's neck and slide his fingers into the curls at the nape of Chanyeol's neck. His other hand was still begin held in Chanyeol's strong grip, their fingers laced together as Chanyeol held them over his heart.

When they pulled apart, Baekhyun whispered, "I'll never get tired of that." Chanyeol smiled down at him and pecked his lips before saying, "Okay, it's time to tell my parents."

3rd p.o.v.

Both of them where very nervous and very excited as they walked down the stairs hand in hand, with both of their engagement rings proudly on display.

"Mom. Dad," Chanyeol said once they had reached the living room. Chanyeol's mother looked up from the movie they had been watching as his father hit the pause bottom and asked, "What is it, Chanyeol?" Chanyeol bit his bottom lip nervously before saying, "Mom. Dad. Baekhyun and I have great news." Both his parents gazed at them curiously, a slight frown pinching both their brows. But then Chanyeol's mother's eyes landed on their clasped hands, and she gasped as tears instantly sprung to her eyes. "Oh my God, honey, you're engaged!" she gushed as she quickly stood up and ran around the front of the couch and pulled both of them into a tight hug. Once Chanyeol's mother had released them, Chanyeol's father stood up and said, "Congratulations, son. Baekhyun." Chanyeol smiled, "Thanks, dad," as Baekhyun said, "Thank you, Mr. Park." Chanyeol's father waved Baekhyun off as he said, "No need for formalities, just call me, Dad."

"Yes, and call me, Mom," Mrs. Park said.

Baekhyun felt tears spring to his eyes at their kindness, and unable to help himself — much like the time they had approved of him dating their son — Baekhyun threw his arms around both of them as silent tears streamed down his face. He just felt so overwhelmed, he's never felt so much love and kindness from so many people.

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