Publish Preview: Chapter 1

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As promised, here is the first chapter of the published version of "Wishes." I decided to change a few things like going from third person to first person and some of the story line. Due to copyright, I had to create my own Disney World and change the character's names, but I promise you all will love it just as much, if not more!

Also, if I were to do a promotion week with a contest for a free signed copy of "Wishes", would anyone enter or be interested?

If so, comment here so I can get an idea for who would enter.

Character List


·      Claire Stafford – Lauren


·      Amelia Gomez – Camila


·      Arielle Gomez – Ally


· Amari - Normani

·      Kaia "Kai" - Dinah

·      Danielle - Lucy


·      Skylar Faye Gomez – Alexa

Here we go...



There is nothing better than throwing your book bag in the back seat only to find out the chocolate bar your sister left melted everywhere. What makes it even better is owning a mesh bag because your friends thought it would be fun to get matching bags for your senior year. At least my research paper wasn't completely ruined.

            "What happened to you?" My best friend, Kaia asked as I took a seat behind her.

"Gianna," I mumbled, taking out my chocolate covered binders and wiping them down with paper towels I was able to snag on my way to class.

"Again?" She snickered, making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

As much as I wish this was the first time my sister ruined my car, it isn't. In the matter of seven months, my fourteen-year-old sister has left a turkey sandwich to rot under my seat, spill coffee all over my dash board, and dented my passenger door. The last one is still a complete mystery as to how it happened. At least a mystery to me.

"I know this may not be the best time to give you this, but as this is the only time I can force you to be in the same room as me, I figured now is the best time."

Oh God.

I watched as the blonde Polynesian lifted her messy black mesh bag onto her lap and pull out a wrinkled piece of notebook paper. With the corner of my desk to help straighten out the paper, but not even the desk could help the paper.

"Excuse this mess. I'm having the final copy printed and laminated for you," Kaia continued as she slid the paper around to face me.

I snatched the paper of my desk and crumbled it back into a ball without even looking at it. I already knew what was on it and she already knew she wasn't receiving any help from me. The list included a series of invasive questions that I refuse to retrieve answers for.

"Claire, not the list," she whined as she tried to reach forward to grab it. "I spent an entire week writing these quality questions. You know that's something I rarely do."

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