26. Broken Hearts Parade

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Tal’s POV

I sat on the beach with Mandy lying in my arms. She looked so peaceful while she slept, I couldn’t bring myself to wake her up, but it was getting chilly out and we couldn’t risk getting sick.

I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out to see “Alex” flashing across the screen.


“Tal, did you find Mands?”

“Yeah. She’s alright. We have just been talking.”

“Thank God. But I have some bad news. You need to get her back to Ali’s.”

“What’s going on Alex?”

“Ali kinda got over worked when she kicked out Brian and Michelle, her doctor is on his way to the house.”

I hung up and started to wake up Mandy.

“Mandy, we need to go its Ali.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth she shot up like a rocket.

“What happened?!”

I put my hands on her shoulders. “First off you need to calm down.”

She attempted to relax, but of course that wasn’t going to happen.

“Tal just tell me.”

“Well Ali kind of got over worked when she kicked Michelle and Brian out of her house. The doctor is on his way over there.”

She started running and once again I went after her. I was glad that the beach wasn’t that far from Joel’s house. I wasn’t that in shape.

Joel’s POV

Linzi had finally gotten Robin back to sleep after all of the chaos that happened with Brian. I swear the next time I saw him I was going to kick his ass. There was no way in hell that I was going to let him get away with what he caused my family tonight.

This time he wouldn’t be forgiven.

I could deal with him being an ass and not going to the hospital right away, I understood that, but this was a totally new low for him.

“What are you thinking about?” I looked over at Alisha. She still looked pale and out of it, but still trying to put on a strong face for me and Jimmy, who hadn’t left her side.

“I was just thinking about how are lives turned out, you know? I mean did you ever think we would be here right now?”

“I think that I am right where I belong.” She turned over and started to fall back asleep.I tried to shake her awake.

“ALISHA! ALISHA!” Jimmy jumped up.

“Jim she won’t wake up!” I felt the tears trying to spill out.

“Dude, she’s burning up! We have to get her to the hospital.”

Jimmy lifted her up and carried her out to the car.

I ran downstairs after them. “Linzi watch Robin please.”

“Yeah of course.” I ran past Tal and Mandy and into the car to help Jimmy.

I saw everyone else jumping into their cars and here I was again heading to the hospital for Alisha. Why did bad things have to happen to good people?  All she did was protect her sister and now we were on our way to the hospital.

Linzi’s POV

I watched as the boys ran out with Alisha. I didn’t know what to think, all I did was hold Baby Robin and stand there with Billy.

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