18. "And for once since all this shit started I believed it. I believed him."

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Mandy’s POV

I sat there with the same words playing over and over in my head, “Mr. Haner has entered a coma, he is stable, and we will continue to do everything we can.”

I couldn’t think straight. I needed to be with him, but they would only let Brian and Suzy in to see him. While me and McKenna stayed with everyone,  just waiting.

No words could explain how I was feeling and as much as I tried to forget everything and get some rest I couldn’t. My world was falling apart and there was not one person that could fix it.

I decided to get some fresh air while we waited for Joel and Alisha to get back from yet another test.

I walked out to the front of the hospital and saw so many people suffering, whether they were hurt physically or emotionally they were still hurt.

I sat at a near by bench and was about to light a cigarette when I heard his voice.

“That bad huh?” I looked up and saw him, the only other person who could make my world turn like Brian did. The one who broke my heart, but yet still had a place in it. Carey.

“What are you doing here?” He smiled and kneeled in front of me.

“I heard what was going on from Benji and I figured that you needed the support.” Him and Benji still talk? What the hell.

“I don’t think you should be here Carey.” I tried to stand up, but he grabbed my hand and sat with me.

“Mandy, don’t be that way. I’m only here to check on you and Alisha. I know you are both going through a tough time.” He was always so sweet, but his career was always more important than our relationship.

“When are you going to get it?! I love Brian and we’re happy together, you can’t be here!” He stood up.

“You act like we’re doing something wrong by me being here. I’m just here to check on you. No matter what has happened between us we still have the same friends Mandy. Me and Brian were friends before you guys got together remember that.”

“I wouldn’t call having a few drinks with him because of Benji being friends.”  I snapped.

“Mandy, just calm down. I’m not here to try anything or ruin your life. I just came to see how you are holding up.” He stayed standing in front of me and I couldn’t take it anymore. I hugged him and cried.

“How am I doing? I almost lost my sister and my nephew to some dumbass. I am about to lose the love of my life! You tell me how am I doing?!” All he did was hold me.

“It’s going to be ok. I promise.”

And for once since all this shit started I believed it. I believed him.

Alisha’s POV

After another billion tests I was taken back to my room with Joel. As they were rolling me in I noticed Mandy was gone. I looked at Tal and he just shrugged his shoulders.

Joel’s eyes were blood shot and he looked completely exhausted. He was the only one that refused to go to the hotel and get s decent nights rest. It seemed like they were only paying for it as a storage area. Everyone else had left after hearing the news about Brian and were coming back later. Except for Tal and Mandy.

Benji, Alex, Jimmy, and Leana had already returned.

“Babe you need to go get some rest. I’ll be fine with everyone else until you get back tonight.” He shook his head.

“I promised you I wasn’t going to leave your side again.” I laughed.

“I know what you promised, but I didn’t think you were going to take  it literally. Now go before I make Benji and Jimmy drag you out of here.”

“But Ali-.” He tried to argue.

I stopped him and looked at Jimmy and Benji who were already getting up. Joel stood up with arms up defensively.

“Fine. I’ll be back in a couple hours.” I smiled. He kissed me and walked out.

About an hour after he left everyone ended up coming back and the room was full again, but still no Mandy.

“Matt can you do me a favor?” He nodded.

“Can you text Joel and tell him to bring me my phone and charger when he comes back please.”

“Sure thing.” He pulled out his phone, typed something quickly and went back to playing COD on the XBOX he went and got out of the tour bus when they went to the hotel.

I was beginning to worry about Mandy, but I figured she was just trying to go and see Brian. He was the priority right now and it should stay like that. No one, but Joel and Linzi knew about my condition and I planned on keeping it that way.

Mandy’s POV

“Thanks for today Carey.” He smiled.

“No problem. You needed to keep your mind off of things. I just hope no one is too worried about you.”

I laughed. “If they are I wouldn’t know. I left my phone in Alisha’s room.” Which wasn’t the smartest idea.

“We should really get back. I still want to see Alisha, before I have to go back to Maryland.” I nodded and we walked back into the hospital.

As we were turning down the hall to get to the elevators. I saw Joel.

“Joel!” He turned with a scared expression on his face.

“Damn it Mandy! I thought you were some fan girl!” I laughed. He was just like Alisha. They are really the perfect match. 

He pushed the button to go up and was about to open walk in when he finally noticed who was standing next to me.

“Carey! What the hell man? How you been?!” They did there little man hug and we got in the elevator,

“I’ve been good. I talked to Benj and decided I needed to come check on the girls. I heard you’re going to be a dad! Congratulations man!”

I smiled at how good they were getting along after all these years. Carey was great friends with the Good Charlotte crew, but not so much with Avenged considering he is my ex boyfriend. I didn’t know how they were all going to take it given the circumstances.

We had finally made it to the top floor where Alisha was.

Joel walked in and I let the door close before we walked in. I turned to Carey.

“Brace yourself. Good Charlotte and Avenged Sevenfold is in there and I don’t know how everyone is going to take your return.” He chuckled.

“I’m sure it’s going to be fine Mandy.” I sighed and opened the door slowly. I knew Alisha would be happy to see Carey.

I peeked in and Alisha was starring at me like I was crazy. “Mandy what the hell are you doing?”

I opened the door completely. “Surprise!”

Everyone from the Good Charlotte crew smiled and got up to say hi, as I expected. But everyone from Avenged remained seated with what I could see was a “what the fuck” expression.

Well this is going to be an eventful visit.

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