20. Falling Apart, Barely Breathing

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Time passes…

Alisha’s POV

With Joel being gone and me hanging out with Jimmy and Leana things were going pretty great. Brian had finally woken up but things weren’t going so well between him and Mandy.

From what I had heard, he couldn’t play at all and refused to go to physical therapy.

I missed the way things used to be before Adrian before the bands, before all the bullshit the fame brought upon us all.

I was about 6 months pregnant now and things were going ok with that, but Jimmy and Leana wouldn’t let me do absolutely anything.

I had probably watched my favorite shows a billion times.

Mandy’s POV

I found myself sitting in my room alone once again crying my eyes out. I didn’t know what to do about Brian anymore. I loved him but he was a miserable drunk who wouldn’t listen to reason. I decided to call Carey.

Carey had decided to stay in town until he knew Alisha was ok and the baby was going to be ok. A lot had happened in a month.

Good Charlotte, Matt and Val would be home in a couple days and I just hoped that Matt would be able to talk to Brian.

Joel’s POV

We had finally arrived in California after being gone for what seemed like forever. No one, but Zacky and Johnny knew we were coming home early.

I was nervous to go see Alisha. I knew that by now she would have calmed down, but I wasn’t to sure about Jimmy.

“Hey Jo?” I looked over at Val.


“Are we dropping you off at Jimmy’s?” I nodded and she went up front to tell Matt, who had taken over the driving for the past hour.

About an hour later the bus pulled up outside of Jimmy and Leana’s place. I was beyond nervous.

I didn’t know what to say or what to do; I just hoped that she would come home with me.

I rang the door bell and stood there.

Jimmy’s POV

I jumped up once I heard the doorbell. I saw Leana making her way to the door and I rushed to push her away as soon as her hand reached for the knob.

“Jimmy what the hell?” she yelled at me stumbling back.

“Sorry babe you just never know who it might be.” I kissed her cheek then looked through the peephole to see Joel standing there with his hands in his pockets. I backed away and looked at Leana. “See I told you. It’s Joel.”

Without saying a word to her she automatically knew what to do and rushed upstairs to be by Alisha’s side.

“Can I help you?!” I yelled through the door.

“I come in peace Jimmy. I just want to see Alisha.” He yelled back.

“Sorry bro no can do. I am under strict orders to keep her and unborn baby safe! No matter what!” I yelled back.

“Come on Jimmy please! If I can’t see her then can you just at least open the door so I can talk to you?”

I let out a laugh. “You must think I’m stupid Mr. Joel. I know as soon as I open this door you will try to push past me run upstairs profess your love and beg and plead and say how very sorry you are and think she’ll roll over and forgive you and you will run off and get married and live happily ever after and what not.” I exaggerated.

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