4. I lost, never thought I'd doubt you along the way...

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Joel’s POV

I was back in LA for the weekend with everyone, even Alisha had decided to come along. I was beyond happy to have her back in my life.

We were taking it slow, I didn’t mind at all. As long as she was with me, but with us being in the middle of a tour I knew she wasn’t going to be handling it well.

“Yo! Joel!” Benji yelled.


“I found a nice house for you in Maryland, it has 6 bedrooms!” I laughed.

“Benji, why the hell would I need a 6 bedroom house for just myself?”

“For when we visit duh!”

I was really going to miss my band, we had spent the last 8 years together. We were inseparable, but I also knew that I needed to be with Alisha. She mattered so much to me and I couldn’t let her go again, or make her sacrifice her life in Maryland for the band.

“Babe.” I smiled. It really felt great hearing that again.


“I invited everyone over for a pool party. Is that alright?”

“Yeah, did you call Tal?”

“Yup. He said he was on his way anyway.” Fuckin’ Tal practically lived here.

About an hour later, everyone was here.

Benji & Tal had brought random girls over, Billy was with Linzi, Paul with Diana, Deano and his girl, Matt & Val, Brian & Mandy, Jimmy & Leana, Johnny & Lacey, Zacky & Gena. The Berry’s and there girls.

And Me & Alisha.

It felt great to have the whole gang back together.

We were all in the pool, Matt was at the grill with Syn.

Johnny was being chased by Jimmy.

Billy and Paul were playing chicken with Linzi and Diana.

It was a pretty great day, until someone I hadn’t seen in over a year walked in.

Alisha’s POV

Things were actually going pretty well, it was nice to leave Maryland for a while.

I was happy to be with Joel and to my surprise Adrian took things pretty well. Who would of thought?

His exact words were, “I saw this coming, you never forget your first love and I wish you the best.”

He really was a good guy and I think that if I would of never reunited with Joel me and Adrian would have been together for a long time.

 I was swimming with Joel when we heard a car pull up. Everyone was here so I didn’t have any idea who it could be.

I got out of the pool and was about to go into the house when Benji pulled me aside.

“It’s alright sis I’ll get it.” He ran inside and closed the door behind him.

“What was that about?” Val asked. I shrugged and jumped back into the pool.

I heard yelling from inside and the last person I would expect to see walked out of the house.

Joel’s huge mistake of an ex girlfriend Hilary Duff.

I turned towards Joel.

He grabbed my hand and led us out the pool. I was trying so hard not to let this bother me because I was happy and he couldn’t of known that would show up like this, but then she ran up to him and kissed him!

Like We Used To (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now