8. Thousand Needles

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Alisha’s POV

There were candles everywhere and at the bottom of the staircase was Joel.

I couldn’t believe that he had done all this for me. I knew that this time would be different with him, I was sure of it.

But in the back of my mind I couldn’t help, but think of how things would be between us when he went on tour.

“Alisha,” He took my hand in his and led me to the living room. “I wanted tonight to be special for us. I had a lot of help, but I want this to be the start of a perfect relationship.”

I smiled. My life was about to change completely. I was engaged to the only man I have ever loved.

I had been accepted into one of the top medical schools in the US. Johns Hopkins and I wasn’t going to turn it down, but I had yet to tell Joel and Jimmy about it.

“So babe? What do you think?”

“It’s perfect Joel. I love it all.” He pulled me into him and kissed me.

I knew at that moment that everything would be ok. If I could deal with him touring all the time, he would understand that I wanted to continue my schooling, but I wouldn’t be able to tour with them.

A few hours later.

Everything was going smoothly for a party that Joel had thrown.

Runner Runner had just finished their set and Josh was getting ready to take over as DJ.

I needed some fresh air so I went outside.

The last person I expected to see at my engagement party was leaning against the hood of my car.

“Adrian, what are you doing here?!” He started walking towards me.

“Alisha, I can’t let you go. We were meant to be together.” I was beginning to get a very bad vibe from him.

“I can’t do this Adrian. I’m with Joel now.” I saw disappointment and anger flash across his face.

Before I could say anything his lips were on mine and I was against the wall.

I tried pushing him off, but he was too strong for me. Next thing I knew he was pulled off of me and Leana was in front of me. I couldn’t get a word out.

“Ali! Are you ok?!” I looked at Leana and nodded.

Jimmy had Adrian against the car and was beating the shit out of him.

“Jimmy!” I tried pulling him off, but it was pointless. “Leana get the boys!”

As Leana ran inside I saw Adrian reaching for something behind him. I knew that something bad was about to happen and I couldn’t let Jimmy get hurt.

“Jimmy look out!” I managed to push Jimmy out of the way, when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I looked down and saw blood.

“Alisha!” I heard Joel scream, before everything went dark.

Joel’s POV

I was looking around for Alisha when Leana came running inside.

“Joel!” I put my hands on her shoulders trying to calm her down. “What’s wrong?”

“Ali, Jimmy.” I started to panic. “Leana what happened to Alisha and Jimmy?”


I ran outside and saw Alisha push Jimmy away from Adrian.

Adrian pulled out a knife. “Alisha!”

Jimmy caught her. “Jimmy stay with her!”  I went after Adrian. I heard Benji and Josh call after me, but at this point I didn’t care. Adrian was going to pay for what he had just done.

Jimmy’s POV

“Alisha, stay with me please.” I couldn’t believe what had just happened. This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of Alisha’s life.

I heard the sirens in the distance. “Ali, just hold on a bit longer.”

She opened her eyes. “Jimmy, tell Joel.. I love him.” Her body went limp.

“Alisha!” As the ambulance took her all you could hear were the sobs from the girls and the boys trying to get a hold of Joel.

I felt numb. I wasn’t mad or upset. I couldn’t feel anything. I hopped in Ali’s car and followed the ambulance.

Adrian better pray that she’s ok.

Matt’s POV

“Come on. I’ll take you guys to the hospital.” Everyone started loading up into my Tahoe. Except for Benji.

“Benj, are you coming?”

“Matt. We gotta problem.”

“What now?”

“That was the police department. They arrested Joel.”

“Fuck! What are we gonna do now?”

“I’m gonna go ahead and go to the police station with Brian and Josh. Just keep us posted on how Alisha is doing.”

“Alright man. Get to the hospital as soon as you can.”

I drove to the police station as fast as I could. When we got there I rushed inside.

“How may I help you?” I looked at the middle aged woman and replied, “I’m here to bail out Joel Reuben Madden.”

She nodded and started typing. “I’m sorry sir, but it seems that Mr. Madden isn’t up for bail.”

“What?! Why the fuck not?” I’m pretty sure I scared the woman.

“Well, we’re waiting on his paper work to process, but it is possible that he will be tried for murder.”

“Excuse me?” I was dumbfounded. How could Joel be tried for murder?

“Well sir, I can’t really give you any details. You’ll have to wait to speak with one of the officers.”

That’s when I snapped. “Listen lady. My sister in law is laying in a hospital right now fighting for her life because of the piece of shit that I’m pretty sure my brother tried to kill!” I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder.

“Benjamin Madden?”

“What?!” I turned around to see an officer.

“Follow me.” I turned away from the desk and walked into what looked like an investigation room with the officer and saw Joel sitting with the family lawyer.

When he saw me he jumped up. “Benj! How’s Alisha?” His eyes were red and puffy, which meant he had been crying and his shirt was full of blood, which meant that he had shown Adrian no mercy.

Matt’s POV

We pulled up to the hospital and found Jimmy in the waiting room with his head in his hands.

Mandy walked up to him. “How is she Jimbo?”

He looked up with tears in his eyes. “Mandy it’s not looking good. She’s lost a lot of blood.”

I looked towards the entrance and saw a dude that looked a hell of a lot like Adrian being rushed in.

Damn it Joel! What have you gotten yourself into..

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