19. Fire I Can't Put Out

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Alisha’s POV

As soon as I saw Carey walk in I got so happy. Someone from my life in Maryland was here and I missed him so much. He was like another brother to me. It was sad that him and Mandy didn’t work out, but I knew that she was going to be just fine with Brian.

“Hey baby girl. How you feeling?” Carey leaned down to give me a hug. I swear you could cut the tension with a knife in this room.

I smiled at him. “I’m doing fine, I should be getting out of this place soon enough.” He nodded and we all sat in silence for a minute.

A very uncomfortable one at that.

Then Matt spoke up. “So Carey, what are you doing here exactly?”

I knew that something was bound to go wrong, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon. I looked over at Matt sternly. “Matt. Stop.”

Everyone else stood up except for Tal, Joel, and Mandy. “Ali, we’ll come back later obviously you all have some things to talk about.” I nodded at the crew as they said their goodbyes.

I couldn’t believe that Matt wanted to do this now. “Matt. I’m just here to see an old friend. I didn’t think it would be such a big deal.” Carey stepped in.

“Well it isn’t such a good idea. Incase you forgot Mandy is Brian’s girlfriend now and you don’t need to be here.” Matt was beyond pissed now and I could see Val was too.

It was starting to stress me out and I knew that that wasn’t good for the baby at all.

I looked over at Joel for support. “You know what Carey maybe you should just leave.” What the hell why is he telling Carey to leave. Matt is the one in the wrong here.

“Joel? I think Matt should leave. Carey has done nothing wrong.” He shook his head.

“Are you kidding me Alisha? You’re gonna defend him over me and Matt?! We are the ones who have been here for you.”

“You’re here now Joel! But back in Maryland all I had was Carey and Mandy! So don’t give me that shit!” I was starting to feel light headed and I knew that all this arguing wasn’t good for the baby, but Joel was driving me insane.

Jimmy’s POV

I was heading back to Alisha’s room with Leana things just didn’t seem right to me when we left. I understood why Carey was there, but I knew how Matt and Val could get when they’re angry.

As we approached the room I heard yelling then a bunch of nurses were running towards it.

“Shit!” Me and Leana took off running to the room.

I opened the door and Joel was freaking out at Alisha’s side while Carey was comforting Mandy.

Matt walked out along with Val. I pulled him side. “What the hell happened in there?!”

“It’s my fault Jimmy I’m sorry. I should have left, but with everything going on..” I was getting more pissed off by the second.

“Matt! What the hell is going on in there?!” Val pulled me aside.

“Matt and Joel got into an argument with Alisha about Carey. They were saying something about her blood pressure as we were walking out.” They walked away and I swore I could of strangled every single one of them right now.

“Come on Jimbo. Let’s check on her.” I nodded at Leana and we walked into the room. Mandy and Joel were both in tears. I had no idea what to say or do, so I sat at Alisha’s side.

After about an hour she woke up calmly until she looked at Joel. Then it hit me. She’s pissed at this idiot.

“Ali? You alright.” She nodded and turned back towards Joel.

“Joel, I think you need to leave.” Then she turned to me. “Jimmy, I get to go home today can I stay with you in Huntington?” I nodded and Joel sat there dumbfounded.

Joel’s POV

She asked me to leave? I knew I wasn’t doing her or the baby any good right now, but I couldn’t imagine having to leave her in this tough time. Especially since only me and Linzi knew about her condition.

“Ali, I can’t just leave you.” She shook her head.

“Yes you can. You being here isn’t doing me or the baby any good. You need to fix things on tour since Avenged can’t be there. I’m sure Matt would go with you. Right now I need to be alone. It’s best for the both of us.” All I could do was sit there.

“I still love you, you know that?” I nodded and got up. Once again I found myself walking out of Alisha’s life for the band, the only difference was that this wasn’t completely my choice.

I rounded up the guys and called Matt. This was gonna be a long 4 months.

Mandy’s POV

“I don’t know what to do Carey. They won’t let me see Brian and I’m going crazy without him.” Once again I found myself in Carey’s arms crying. I had no idea what to do with myself. I was vulnerable and I definitely did not like feeling that way.

And all he did was hold me. I missed Carey. I missed being in his arms, being the girl for him. But then I thought about Brian and I felt as guilty as ever. I love Carey, but I’m in love with Brian and I always will be.

Joel’s POV

I was packing all of my stuff from the hotel room to go back on tour with my band, Matt and Val. I had made up my mind and I knew the best thing was to leave Alisha. She would be alright without me for awhile. I was only stressing her more.

“You alright Jo?” I looked up to the open hotel room door and the one person I really needed right now was standing there.

“No bro.” Josh came and sat with me.

“It’ll be alright I promise. I’ll keep an eye on her.”

“Why does she want me to leave Josh?” He sighed.

“She’s dealing with a lot right now and I’m sorry to say it but you didn’t back her up like you should of. You walked out of her life again by choice and maybe that’s the best thing for now. You need to go on tour and clear your mind she’ll be fine with jimmy and Leana.”

We finished packing all of my stuff and I gave him the hotel key to give to Jimmy to get Ali’s stuff.

As I walked onto the tour bus I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that something was going to happen and I might come home to nothing once again.

Like We Used To (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin