2. Over You By Now

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Hey guys! As promised here is a much longer chapter! It's about 4 1/2 pages on word hope you like it!

Joel’s POV

“Benj, I have to go see her.”

It was about 1 in the morning and I couldn’t sleep. I knew Benji was getting irritated with me, but I needed to see Alisha. I had been here for almost a week and none of the guys would let me go see her. They all said she was doing fine and to let her be.

“Dude. Just let it go. We have a show tomorrow we need to get some sleep.”

“It’s not that easy to let go of your first love.” Benji sighed.

“Joel, I know that you love Alisha, and before I say this I want you to know that I love you and you’re my brother, but leaving her like you did was the stupidest decision that you could ever make. She moved on, she kept her life here and she’s happy. Don’t take that away from her.”

I knew Benji was right, but I just had to see her anyways one last time and if she could tell me that she didn’t love me anymore, I would get out of her life forever.

Alisha’s POV

I woke up the next morning and went down stairs to find Matt and Val making breakfast. They were the cutest couple ever.

“Good morning!” Val said with the biggest smile on her face, she was such a morning person unlike me.

After the discussion I had with Jimmy and Mandy all of the Avenged family came over and decided to sleep on my living room floor. I could see Zacky and Johnny were still asleep with their girls Gena and Lacey.

“Hey Val can we talk?” She gave Matt a quick peck and followed me to my room. We were sitting on my bed for about five minutes, then she spoke.

“Alisha, what’s going on?”

“What isn’t going on Val? I had my life set here and within 2 seconds it all fell a part.” She smiled.

“Nothing has fallen apart, you just need to see Joel and clear things up. I know that you just pushed every thought of him behind you because you didn’t want to hurt, but he’s here and I know that he wants to see you too.”

“I can’t go see him. I can’t re-open that chapter in my life when it’s been closed for so long.”

“You need that closure and the only way you are going to get it is if you go see him because the boys are doing everything in their power to keep Joel away from here until you are ready.”

 I know exactly how Joel is and there is no one on this world that can keep him from doing what he wants, if he wanted to see me how would find a way and that’s what I was scared of.

“Why don’t you come to the concert with us tonight?” I could see that Val really wanted me to do this and I knew that everyone here was hoping that I would give Joel another chance, but I wasn’t sure if that’s what I wanted. I had Adrian now and I wasn’t going to break his heart.

“It’s not that simple anymore. I can’t just show up at the concert and me and Joel will kiss and make up. I have a boyfriend now and I am happy whether you guys want to believe it or not.”

“Breakfast is ready!” I heard Matt yell from downstairs.

“We can finish this later because if we don’t get down there fast we won’t get any food.” Val laughed, but I knew how serious she was being with that comment.

We ran downstairs and everyone was already at the table. Poor Johnny was still asleep so I made him a plate before the guys went for seconds.

After breakfast I went shopping with the girls. It was really fun, and I did miss this, but there was no way I could pack up and go to California just to go shopping with everyone.

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