6. Only Love

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Brian’s POV

Mandy didn’t answer me so I figured that was what she wanted to be back in Waldorf.

I couldn’t let her leave me.

I wouldn’t let her go, like Joel let Alisha.

When I finally calmed down I went into the studio part of my house and called Matt.


“Mandy wants to move back to Waldorf!” I screamed.


“What’s going on?” I heard Val in the background.

“Matt I don’t know what to do. I can’t let her leave me and I can’t leave the band.”

“Syn, I know that you don’t want her to leave you, but if she misses home there is nothing you can do about it.”

I knew Matt was right, but how was I going to let the love of my life move across the country from me.

“I guess your right.”

“Wait. Maybe there is something that you can do.” I didn’t want to get my hopes up.


“Well, what if you and Mandy go spend this month in Waldorf with Ali and Jimmy? Maybe she’ll feel better and maybe even start missing Huntington.”

“Thanks Matt. I’m gonna call Alisha right now.”

“Alright bro, good luck.”

Billy’s POV

The Next Day,

We were getting ready to practice for the tour next month with the A7X crew, but as usual Joel was late.

Me and Paul were practicing switching off our instruments when he finally walked in.

Wearing some sweats and his sunglasses.

Yup. He was hung-over.

“Can you guys keep it down?” He plopped down on the couch. Is he serious? We’re at BAND PRACTICE!

“Joel!” Benji yelled in his ear and ran off laughing.

“Fuck Benj!” Me, Paul and Deano started laughing while Joel glared at us.

“Jo, are you gonna sing or what?” Deano said.

“No.” We all looked at him like he was crazy.

“Then why the hell are you here?!” Benji yelled.

“Benj calm down.” Paul put his hand on his shoulder, Benji threw him off.

“No! Fuck that Paul. He’s over here getting drunk and moping around because HE let the fuckin’ love of his life go! It’s no one’s fault but HIS! Joel, seriously you need to fuckin’ get your shit together! I love you, but you can’t be doing this to yourself or the band! Alisha is gone because you let her go! You could of gotten the next flight and followed her! You could of pushed Hilary off and gone after her! You could of said goodbye and tried the long distance shit when we moved to LA, but no YOU chose not too. So quit acting like the victim in this situation when you’re not! Alisha is! And if your ass really loved her, you would be in Maryland trying to get her back!”

We all sat there dumbfounded. Benji had never gone off on Joel like that. Joel stayed quiet. I could tell he was beyond pissed, but he didn’t say a word. He stood up and walked out.

“What the hell was that Benji?” Deano asked.

“Someone had to say it. If I wouldn’t off done that he wouldn’t be on his way to the airport right now.” Benji smiled.

Like We Used To (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें