23. "But if she loves me & I love her, what's there to figure out?"

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A/N: I know that this part isn't as long as usual, but I am currently suffering from writer's block and this is as fas as I could get. Enjoy. :)

Mandy’s POV

I was still trying to figure out how long I was going to be able to stay in California without having to deal with Brian and all of his nonsense.

Lost in my own thoughts I sat in my room, at mine and Alisha’s house in Maryland.

Being here with Carey made me think about the way my life used to be and I missed it. I missed it being simple and happy.

“Hey Mands? You ok?” I looked up at Carey standing in my door way.

“I’m not ok Carey.” He came and sat by me, “Brian?”

I nodded. “It’s just, I can’t breathe when I’m around him and when I’m not around him I want to be, I’m just, I am totally in love with him.”

“Well then go to him Mandy. You need to go back to California and stay there. I’m gonna kick myself in the ass for saying this, but go and fix things with Brian.”

Brian’s POV

“Matt I don’t know what to do anymore. I miss her and now she’s with Carey.” I slumped down next to Matt while he sat there and played Call of Duty.

“You know what dude, you were the one that let her go, and you pushed her away. I love you man, but I have no sympathy for you.”

I sat there like an idiot. “Fuck you man. I’ma go talk to Val.”

I walked up stairs to find Val on her laptop approving new designs for the band. She really did do everything for us.

“Hey Val, can I talk to you?” She turned around and once again she looked at me with the same amount of sympathy as Alisha.

“Sure. I’m all ears.”

“I can’t be without Mandy. I need her back. I made a mistake.”

She sighed. “Brian, she’ll be back tomorrow and maybe you guys can talk and figure things out.”

“But if she loves me and I love her... What's there to figure out?”

“Brian there is so much more to it with you guys, you let her go without saying anything and you both need to just sit down and talk. I know that you and Mandy are meant to be. I promise that everything will work itself out.”

And for once I believed it. I believed that maybe the things between me and Mandy were going to be ok. I just needed to fix things before Baby Robin’s baptism. I wanted her there with me not Carey.

Joel’s POV

I lied in my bed with the one girl that meant the world to me. Alisha was it and I knew that without her I would definitely be lost.

I was trying to fall asleep, but I couldn’t. Sometimes knowing Alisha so well wasn’t a good thing. I knew she was worried about something, but I couldn’t figure it out.

I remained laying there with my eyes closed. “Stop it.”

I felt her turn over to me. “What?”

“Whatever you’re worrying about. Just stop.”

“How do you know I’m worried? You didn’t even open your eyes.”

I smiled. “You think I need to see you with my eyes to know what’s going on with you.”

She hit me in my side. “Oww. What was that for?”

“You are just so perfect to me Joel. I love you.”

“Well, as a matter of fact, I love you too Alisha Sawyer.”

Mandy’s POV

                The Next Morning.

The plane had just landed at LAX and I felt as though I had lived an entirely different life the weeks I was in Maryland. There was no band, no paparazzi, although the occasional people wanting to take pictures with the also famous Carey Hart, but most importantly there was no drama and I knew that being back in California simply meant things are going to be the same they were before and I wasn’t too sure if I wanted all that back.

“MANDY!” I turned around to be greeted by a giant bear hug from Matt and Val.

After I had finally gotten to Matt’s place I was beyond exhausted, I really wasn’t good with flying, but Carey and my music made it that much better.

Carey had decided to stay in a hotel to avoid any conflict between him and Brian. I really appreciated how good he was being to me, but I just didn’t know how I was going to balance my relationship with him and Brian.

I decided to go see Jimmy and Leana.

Brian’s POV

I sat in jimmy’s living room thinking to myself. Mandy would be home today and I didn’t know if I should go see her or wait for her to come see me.

Jimmy was off in the kitchen making some type of drink concoction, when the door bell rang.

“Syn! Can you get that?!” I got up and went to the door, “Yeah sure man, hopefully it’s the pizza we—“

And there she was.


I felt Jimmy behind me, “Welp. Didn’t see that coming.”

I just stood there like an idiot.

“Hey look who it is.” Damn I really am an idiot.

“Hi Brian.”

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