16. "Dad was here."

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A/N: Hey everyone! I just realized that I made a huge mistake in part 15! It's fixed now, so if you would like to read it again you can, but here is a short version of it. Brian was shot in Part 14, while he was out with Matt chasing after the person who hurt Alisha. They caught the guy but Joel had yet to know who it is. Mandy has not returned from speaking with her dad and has no idea how Brian is doing. Joel is with Alisha and everyone else is still in the waiting room. I am so sorry for any confusion! It definitely will not happen again!

Joel's POV

As Alisha was about to tell me who was the stupid ass who attacked her outside of the concert a nurse walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but the doctor has ordered another ultra sound and we need to take her in. Are you the father?" She smiled warmly.

"Yes I am." She nodded and I followed her and Alisha to another room.

Benji's POV

I was starting to get worried because Mandy was no where to be found. It was never good news when her dad came around.

I looked over at Jimmy and I could tell he was going insane waiting here.

I walked over, "Hey Jim, you alright?"

He shook his head. "Nah man, Mandy took off with her dad over an hour ago. I fuckin' hate when he comes around to make shit worse than it already is."

Mandy and Alisha's dad was never there for them  and whenever he did come around he just hurt the girls even more.

"I can't wait here anymore, I'm gonna go look for her." Jimmy got up and started walking off.

I wanted to stop him and tell him that Mandy would be fine, but he never listened to anyone.

I sat back down and put my head down. Why did all the bad shit happen to us?

I felt an arm around my shoulder, and there she was. The single good thing to ever walk into my life.

"Hey you alright?" She lifted my head up and smiled. Not a sympathetic one, but a sincere one that told me that everything was going to be ok.

"I think right now, I know everything is going to be just fine." She nodded and I said the three words that I knew I shouldn't have waited this long to say.

"I love you, Alex." Her eyes lit up. "I love you too, Benj."

At that moment I was beyond happy. So much other bad shit was going on, but having Alex by my side, showed me to see the good things in life and she is definitely one of them.

Matt's POV

We were all still waiting in the lobby, but not just for Alisha anymore. How could me and Brian be so careless?!

I looked over at Benji, he looked happy with Alex. I hoped that he wouldn't mess it up again. It was about 4 in the morning now. Val was leaning against my shoulder asleep.

I hoped that things would get better soon. We had postponed the tour for 2 weeks, but a lot of the venue owners were pissed. Larry had understood, but he still had to deal with a few assholes, as did GC's manager.

When I looked up I saw Jimmy, with a very pissed off Mandy at his side.

"Everything alright?"

Mandy sighed, "Just the same old shit, my dad's an ass who doesn't care."

"I'm sorry Mands."

She nodded. "Can we see Brian yet?"

I shook my head, "They're still doing some x-rays the nurse said she would let us know as soon as he was in a room."

Once again she nodded and headed off to Alisha's room.

Alisha's POV

I was glad the nurse had walked in to take us to another ultra sound. I didn't know how to tell him that my attack had to do with Adrian.

The nurse was putting that gooey stuff on my stomach again. After what happened and my condition I was going to have to check in with a doctor every 2 weeks.

But at this point I didn't care. I would do anything for this baby.

"Ok, Miss Sawyer, this is your baby's heartbeat." The sound I heard was the most beautiful thing, I looked up at Joel and smiled, with tears in my eyes.

"This is our baby." He smiled.

"I love you Alisha."

"Well Alisha, you and Joel will be able to know the sex of the baby within the next 3 months."

I shook my head while I noticed Joel nodding.

"Umm, babe I don't want to know." He looked surprised.

"Why not?"

"I want to be surprised." He laughed. "Whatever you say."

After they cleaned my stomach off, we went back to my room and I was hoping that Joel was to excited to bring up our last conversation.

"Alisha we still need to talk about who attacked you." I sighed, there was no getting out of this now.

I heard a soft knock on the door and in walked Mandy with tears in her eyes, "Jo, can you give us a minute?"

Joel kissed me on my forehead and walked out.

"What's going on Mandy?" She sat on my bed and cried. Now I knew something was definitely wrong.

I tried to sit up but it was no use, "Mandy what's going on?"

"Dad was here."

I couldn't believe my ears. My dad, the one who hasn't been around for half of my life, shows up now.

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