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I stomped away angrily, knowing Austin would be trailing behind quickly.

I was pissed, but I still needed him. This would just have to be considered hate sex for the moment because I damn sure am not happy with him.

Opening the door, I slid in, quickly undressing myself just as Austin entered the car.

My liquid courage was controlling my entire body, not one movement actually being a sober one.

"You sure you want to do this here" his chuckle just made me glare at him.

"I'll take that as a yes" he laughed and began to remove his clothing.

I began to be impatient, helping him remove his things.

He went to lower the back of my seat until I quickly sat into his lap, devouring his lips.

"I want to be in charge this time"

"I don't know" his uneasy tone almost made me rethink my decision, almost.

Brushing off his dislike of our position, I began to grind on his lap, causing him to buck his hips.

"Come on babe, please. You know you want this just as bad as I do"

Knowing he was right, I decided against taking him and roughly slammed into him.

Low curse words escaped his lips along with deep groans as I bashed my lower half against his own.

His fingertips duh deep into my hips as he helped my motion pick up pace.

"Oh god" my hand slapped against the window as I felt his hips begin to buck against the movement of mine.


It was too late, he quickly took control, roughly thrusting upward, gripping my ass instead.

"Fuck" he buried his face into my chest while wrapping his arms around my body to get a better grip.

My load moans were probably heard from across the parking lot and the movement of the car was definitely visible, but I didn't care.

Austin's fast movements were about to set me over the edge while I held onto anything close for dear life.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum"

Before I could register his words, he had already pulled out of me, releasing his liquids onto my lower stomach, his dick laying against his own now.

My hands ran through his now thicker curls while he breathed heavily against my chest, maintain four position.

"Better now" I could feel his smile against me.

"Way better"

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as Austin moved me over to the passenger side, higher up on the seat.

"Wait, what are you doing?"


His large hands roughly pulled my legs apart, beginning his sweet torture with his tongue.


Hey so my main focus will be on this book until I finish it, very soon actually. And updates may be slow due to school and softball but I'll try.

Wuv u biscuits😘


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