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Today was an extra slow day and I couldn't wait until 4 rolled around. I start getting anxious as time ticked and ran my hands down my face in frustration.

I hear a small knock on the door and my head shoots up thinking it's aidan. I invite them in nicely only to be greeted by my bitch of a receptionist.

My smile immediately fell and a frown replaced it instead. "What do you need Mrs.blake?" I asked annoyed that it wasn't my girl at the door.

"Well its almost our lunch breaks I was wondering-" I cut her off.

"No" I say as blunt as possible.

"But it would only be as fri-" I interrupt her again.

"I said no. Now if that's all you can leave now." I see her face fall and she walks out of my office with her head down.

The clock hits 4 and I wait a few minutes for aidan but a few minutes becomes 10 minutes and 10 becomes 15.

I start to frown and turn around in my chair to view the city as I hear another knock on my door.

I don't even care to turn around and just invite them in. I hear the sound of heels clicking against the floor so I turn around. I smile as soon as I see aidan standing there with two coffee cups in her hand and a small bag.

"Hey baby." I stand up and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Hey, I brought you some coffee and a sandwich but the coffee got a little cold because of the long ride here." she frowned making me chuckle.

I take the items in her hands and place them on my desk smiling at her small gestures.

"Did you get the flowers?" I ask resting my forehead against hers as she wraps her arms around my abdomen.

"Yea, how did you know those were my favorite?" she smiled.

"I asked sadi."I said and backed up and turned her around, lifting her up onto my desk.

I stood inbetween her legs and rested my head in the crook of her neck inhaling her vanilla scent. I smile and plant a small kiss on her neck as I wrap my arms around her waist and she plays with my hair.

"Someone's being extra clingy today." she giggled.

"I can't help it. I missed you." I tighten my grip.

"You have a great receptionist by the way. She's very nice." she states sarcastically.

I pull away from her neck and look at her face seeing anger written all over her face.

I kiss her lips softly calming both of us because that bitch caused aidan to get mad and she barely does that.

"What did she say?" I ask calmly so I don't explode in front of aidan again.

"When I asked where you were she said you were busy and completely ignored me. Then some other woman told me where you were." I was getting fed up with this girl always trying to make a move on me and now she gives attitude to my girl.

Guess ill have to find a new receptionist because she just pushed my last button. "Ill take care of it." I simply say "don't fire her." she says. "How did you know I would fire her?" I chuckle.

"Because your a big meany."I smile and put my head back where it was and picked her up off of the desk and moved over to my chair.

She giggles at my sudden movement and she pulls me by my chin, planting small kisses on my lips before I roughly grab the back of her neck and deepen the kiss.

She cups my face with her small cold hands and I move my hands down to her butt. I bite her lip causing her to moan and slap her backside making her moan again.

"You like that?" I ask while still kissing her.

"A little." she runs her hand through my hair. All of a sudden the door bursts open revealing sarah, my receptionist.

Aidan starts to get up but I grab her waist and pull her back down. She groans and lays her head on my shoulder facing the other way as her cheeks redden in embaressment.

"I told you to knock Sarah. What do you want now?" I raise my voice but keep it low enough remembering aidan. She slowly caresses the back of my neck and I gradually calm myself.

"im sorry sir. I was informed that you have an important meeting in about 20 minutes." she says as she leaves.

"Maybe I should leave." aidan says and tries to get up again but I pull her down once again.

"Austin." she whines and put my hands under shirt, rubbing her back.

"She said 20 minutes. Please stay."I pout

She sighs and wraps her arms around my neck while laying her head on top of mine giving me a clear view of her cleavage in my face.

"I like this view." I kiss her boob and she smacks my arm.

We cuddle for the rest of the time and I kiss her before she leaves, swatting her ass as she walks. She smirks as she leaves and I watch her figure disappear.

I can't wait to leave this hellhole.

Anotha one

Wuv u biscuits😘


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