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When we were dancing I noticed that aidan looked a little scared and before I could say anything she asked to get out of the middle. Of course I agreed if that means her not feeling scared but as we were leaving she stopped. Not only did she stop, but she was moving towards the middle again.

I turned my head her direction to see what was going on and I saw another guy grabbing her other hand. I saw as she squirmed and tried to escape from his grasp but couldn't so I stepped in.

"Hey what the Fuck are you doing?" I yelled stepping in front of aidan just as he released her hand. "Oh im sorry man is this your Fuck toy for the night?" He smirked and winked at aidan and that's all it took for me to attack.

I lunged at him and started swinging left and right and left and right. As I was punching him I felt someone grabbing on my arm but I shrugged their hand off and kept punching. Then I felt them again and then I heard aidan screaming.

"Austin stop before you kill him!" and i stopped but what really made me change was the look in her face after i turned around.

She looked completely horrified. I got up and went towards her but she only backed up. I saw two big guys coming towards me and I saw a crowd surrounding me. When the guys reached me they dragged me out of the club by my arms.

After the cold breeze hit my sweaty forehead I looked down at my knuckles to see them bloody and scratched up. But the look on aidan's face hurt me the most. I can't believe I scared her like that. Since it was pretty loud out here in the front I decided to walk around to the back and when I did I saw aidan standing there with her hands rubbing her arms.

I walked to her and tapped her shoulder. She flinched at first but turned around, slowly. When she saw me she took a few steps back but before she could take any more I grabbed her arm. "Aidan look, im sorry if I scared you. Its just he was being really disrespectful and I couldn't...I just couldn't control myself."

"Im not scared of you because you beat that guy up." she said as she began to shiver. "Then why were you?" I asked as I inched closer to her to give her some warmth and she didn't move away either. "I was scared because when you turned around it looked like you were going to hit me." she explained and that's when I just wrapped my arms around her.

I rubbed her back and arms and just stood there for a while. "I would never hurt you aidan. I would never hurt a woman and I definitely wouldn't hurt you." "why would you thi-" I stopped myself realizing what she was saying.

"Who hurt you aidan?" I asked with venom laced in my voice. "I don't want to talk about it right now. Im cold. Im drunk. I just want to relax. I'll tell you some other time." she said still resting her head on my chest.

I nodded and then I pulled back, she looked up at me with a confused look and then bam! I kissed her. I just leaned down and kissed her. And the weird thing is, she kissed back.

Her lips were so soft and plump, just thinking about them made me kiss harder. My hands made their way down to her ass I lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around me and I pushed her up against the brick wall. I removed my lips from hers and reattached them to her neck. Her hands made contact with my hair and she started tugging it, slightly moaning in the process.

"Let me take you home tonight." I murmured against her skin, sucking it afterwards. "Ok but I drove and sadi is still in there." she gasped as I stuck my hand under her dress and onto her soaked panties.

"You know what I will text her real quick. But you need to put me down first so I can grab my bag." she giggled. I smirked and set her feet on the ground gently.

She ended up calling sadi and told her to come get the keys. Sadi rushed out the door and looked completely sober. Well a little tipsy but sober enough to drive.

"Austin said he would take me home so don't get too drunk tonight because I don't want my baby getting hurt." she told her "I'll be fine." "I was talking about my car." she said with a serious face and sadi smacked her arm gasping making me chuckle. "You be careful too." she said and when sadi went back inside I scooped her off of her feet.

"Thank god. These heels were killing me. I could barely walk." "you will be feeling the same way once we are done." she gasped and hit my chest.


Happy national bestfriend day. I hope you guys have an amazing day. I will be trying to update all of my books today. I might be putting "his teacher " on hold for now since I have so many books to deal with. Make sure to listen to the song up top until 53 seconds. I love this song.

Wuv u biscuits😘


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