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Our lips move together for 2 more seconds before I pull away. "Sorry I was late." she apologized again. "Its ok I wasn't here that long." I smiled and she looked confused.

"What do you have planned mr?" I chuckled and sighed. "You'll see." I grabbed her hand and walked her to the water

Soon enough our table came into view over the small hill and she gasped, covering her mouth.
"What is this?" "this is my little idea of a date. I wanted you to leave Japan on a good note. Especially since we won't be able to see each other for a while since you still have yet to move to Miami."

"Austin I don't know what to say." "then don't say anything and eat with me." she smiled and nodded.

We walked to the table and sat down, digging into whatever my chef planned for us.

Her not knowing that I'm rich and I'm the CEO of one of the most well known companies in the world is a game changer. I just wanted to see if she would want me for me at first and then I would tell her.

And the whole Katy thing is another thing to worry about, because what if she finds out. Then what? I shake the bad thoughts out of my head and just keep eating and making conversation with Aidan.

"Oh my gosh I have to go, sadi's waiting for me at the airport." she said looking at her phone.

"Wait" I grabbed her waist and spun her around. I leaned down and planted a small kiss on her lips then her forehead. "Make sure to contact me." I told her and she nodded, running off to her car.

I watched her figure disappear and I called the same chef to come and clean up the table. I headed back to my hotel and started to pack for tomorrow when I got a call from Aidan.

"Hey" she sounded out of breath.

"Hey, are you there yet?"

"Yea im about to leave I just wanted to hear your voice before my long ass trip back to America." she said America in an accent and I didn't know if it was on accident or on purpose but it sounded sexy.

"Well have a safe flight babygirl and text or call me when you land or when you can." we said our goodbyes and hung up as I opened my door.

As soon as I opened the door to the bedroom part of the hotel I noticed Katy laying on it, wearing all black lingerie.

I dropped my keys and she smirked at my reaction. We haven't had sex in about a month I couldn't hold back.

"What's all this?" I asked referring to her outfit and the little decorations around the room.

"We haven't had sex in a while and this whole trip wasn't really about us like I planned. I just" she stopped, walking up to me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Wanted some time with you...alone." she smirked and started kissing my jaw then my neck. In my head I felt like I was betraying aidan if I did this but in my pants I felt like I was betraying my needs if I didn't.

I fell for it and grabbed her, throwing her on the bed.

We both layed back on the bed breathing heavily after we were done. (Sorry im not in a smutty mood today)

"Im gonna go pack and shower real quick but I'll be done by tomorrow so we can do something fun before we leave."

"Well im gonna go finish packing myself and then shower after you're done."  she nodded and walked towards the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

After she left I felt instant guilt for her and for Aidan. I still have yet to figure out why I do this to myself and why i do this to women. I really like Aiden but I also don't want to hurt Katy just because we've been through so much.

The sad part about all of this is that I've done it more than once, the whole time I've been with Katy I've been cheating on her with women who want me just for my money.

But that's exactly why I'm trying something with Aidan because she wants me for me and not my money. I want to see how far things go with me and her and if it goes really well I might actually break up with Katy and stop keeping secrets from people.

I sigh as I stand up and grab some clothes to throw on. Then I grab all my other clothes that are either in drawers or on the floor and just tossed them in my suitcase.

I slightly jump when I hear a phone ring and I turn around to see Katy's phone lighting up. I walk over to it and I see the contact name as 'Steven'.

I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion and answered the phone, my jaw clenched as I hear an unfamiliar man's voice on the other line.

"who is this?" I asked angrily then the other line hangs up.

I hold the phone in my hand as I hear the bathroom door open. " is that my phone?" She asks.

"who the hell is Steven?"  I asked through gritted teeth finally looking up at her.

"what are you talking about?" she asked nervously.

"you heard me." I stood up and walked towards her. " wait Steven? he's my brother." she shrugged.

"You told me you didn't have a brother." "well on my mom's side, on my dads side I have 3 other siblings and Steven happens to be one of them. Did you think I was cheating on you or something?" I sighed and leaned down to hug her.

"I'm sorry babe I just got a little paranoid. I should have known you wouldn't cheat on me, sorry."

"I can't believe you thought I would cheat on you." she pushed me off. She scoffed and walked away leaving me surprised.


Sorry for the long wait but I'm back in school and I have boring classes so hopefully ill have this to rely on.

Wuv u biscuits 😘


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