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Austin was acting really weird towards the end of the night, right before he had to leave but I decided to shrug it off and continued to have fun until he left.

Austin had left about an hour and a half ago and it was just me at the house seeing as Sadi went out to dinner with Tyler.

I decided to head to bed early and get ready for my day tomorrow with Jennifer and Matthew. I send them a quick text in the group chat that they added me to, telling them I'll see them tomorrow.

My small text turns into a bigger conversation that keeps me up 30 minutes longer than I intended. We finally call it a night head to bed.

Right when I shut my eyes, I hear knocking at the door. Knocking turns into banging, making me wonder if I should answer the door.

I slowly get up and walk over to my closet where my bat sits. I grab the cold piece of metal and hold it up as I walk to the door.

I curse as the banging startled me and made me stub my toe on the coffee table.

"Ow Ow Ow, fuck. " I hold my toe as the banging continues.

"Open the door Aidan."


Is he drunk?

I quicken my pace and open the door seeing a drunken Austin leaning against the door frame with a beer in his hand.

I sigh and pull him inside. "I thought you said you were going home, Austin." I say as he plops down on my couch.

"Yea I decided I wanted to come back over here instead." he sipped his beer, turning on the TV and setting his feet on the coffee table.

"First of all." I start, snatching his feet off of the table. "You just didn't want to take care of your headache in the morning by yourself." I snatch he remote, turning off the TV. "And I refuse to be your maid. And second, you can't just barge in here with your drunk ass, expecting me to take care of you like Im your mother." I grab the beer out of his hand and take it to the trash.

I didn't like how he was acting at the moment and I don't take bullshit from anyone, boyfriend or not.

"Woah, who said i wanted you to be my maid? I honestly just wanted to come back over here. Im not that drunk and I wanted to make sure you were safe. I can't stand the thought of you being alone, knowing you have some stalker watching your every move." he joined me in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head.

"Im sorry." I sigh, taking his hands into mine.

"Its ok, your hot when your mad so it was set of a win." he kisses me cheek and walked to my room.

"Asshole" I mutter as I follow him.

Austin stripped out of his clothes leaving him in just his boxers and grabbed me, throwing me on the bed and cuddling up next to me.

"Your so clingy and cuddly." I laugh.

"Only for you." he chuckles, pecking me on the lips before his phone dinged.

He looked over at it then turned back around with a serious expression.

"Everything ok?" I ask when his grip tightens around my waist.

"Yea, everything's perfect"


Some serious ish is about to go down.

Wuv u biscuits😘


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