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Couldn't have left on a cliff hanger. Soooooo

Manuel rereads the files, brushes his hand softly over the only recent picture he has of Adrianna hugging a bundled up baby, his baby. Adrian Castellano.
His grins, something he hasn't done in while.
Then Manuel chuckles of the thought Adrianna not think of being found after being filed into a hospital. She used her real name, his amore.
The plane would be landing in a few minutes he already had a few of his men in Washington state. Manuel's thought grow of ways to approach Adrianna like prey.
"Ten months, how could I have not looked in this state first."

Adrianna had finally put Adrian to bed, in his room for the first time. She left the door ajar and night light on for her comfort. Today was a slow day for her and she needed a soothing shower, she headed to the bathroom with the baby monitor in hand. Being eagerly ready to peel off the layers covering her skin, Adrianna totally zoned out on the fact the the baby monitor was faced down for she was in her vibes.

Manuel was walked around the house like a snake analyzing every detail. Adrianna has really made this home he thought looking at the few decorations she had on the wall. The faint noise of the shower turning on and light classical music indicated to Manuel that Adrianna was well unaware that he was here. He took this moment to go see his little one, Adrian. Opening the door on the left side of the hall across from the bathroom Manuel peeked into the crib, rolling up his sleeves then reaching out his arm to pick up his creation.
Tears of joy pricked down Manuel's cheeks, he had always wanted a child. "I should've meet you on day one, it's not daddy's fault." Manuel whispered in Adrain's ear as if he understood.
He held the baby closes to his large chest for minutes forgetting about the moments in which he'd see Adrianna.
A phone in the room, Adrianna's phone lit up notifying she got a message. Manuel picked it up, his blood boiled looking at the text Adrianna got from her buddy pal a few doors down were she lived. Roger, Manuel had looked up everything and every action Adrianna has down in the not so interesting town she moved too. He wanted to pay that friend a visit, fucking preppy pussy boy next door Manuel whispered he deleted the number off her phone immediately. Knowing that Adrianna wouldn't be needing it no more although he did find a liking to the elders she meet in this town but she had to leave them too.


The long shower had eased off the mood I was in earlier. I wrap my robe around me as I exit the bathroom and went to my room. After doing my hygiene and all I throw on a huge shirt that cover me mid thigh.
Small cries from the next room reminded me about the baby monitor. I quickly and gently went Adrian's room not realizing the door was wide open than how I left it before. Love filled my heart as I picked up the baby from the crib. I can never get enough of Adrian's smell so I hugged him tightly in my arms shushing him. I then somewhat smelled something familiar, something I knew the smell of because I missed it from time to time.
I didn't have to turn around to know who was behind me. His shadow covered mine on the wall. The night light was the only source of light. His dominant presences and aura always seemed to fill whatever room he was in. I gulped and held Adrian tighter as a protection for me and him. He wouldn't hurt us, he wouldn't dare. His warm breath hit the top of my ear and I stood still like prey. "Put our baby down Adrianna." his low voice sent chills down my spine. I swiftly took action and ran for the door but Manuel was faster then me, I turned my face to Adrian's face not wanting to see Manuel's face. The grip he had on my waist was tight and I had no other choice but to listen to his words. "Baby down now!" Manuel said in a harsh whisper sucking his teeth.
Like a robot I listened and kissed Adrian's forehead before placing him in his crib. With Manuel's loosen grip I take the advantage to look for the sprays I left all around the house just in case of an emergency like now, I couldn't go back with Manuel his like can be mine after I had figured out I was pregnant.
"Amore, you just can't leave pepper sprays lying around the house like that people are
smarter than you think." Manuel said from behind I know he'd look for signs like that first.
"Is that how you treat me after so long sweetheart?" Manuel said holding my wrist from behind and leading me out the baby's room. I didn't answer. Oh dear no! I didn't know what he was feeling or how his emotions were at the moment but I knew he didn't want to be ignored.
"Let me explain." I whisper lowly.
"Explain because I have so much to ask Adrianna and if you make me ask, you wouldn't like it one bit. You just up and left me." Manuel sounded hurt and I started to feel bad but I had to hold my guard up.
"I-I....Manuel my baby couldn't"
"OUR baby!" Manuel said turning me around and pushed me hard against the wall. To say I was scared I quickly looked down I didn't wanna see his face, I just couldn't.
"I'm tired let's not fight." I said gripping Manuel's upper shoulder to loosen his grip on my arms for sure there's a bruise. "Why won't you look at me Adrianna.", his Italian accent slipped from his lips, giving me chills.
"I can't go back with you Manuel if that's what your planning, the baby, he's a boy I don't want him following in your foot steps nor do I want him around your environment. Even if it was a baby girl I'll still leave." Manuel laced his cold finger under my chin making me look him in the eyes that use to haunt me when I first moved here.
"I planned all that ahead of time none of my child will have to worry about my lifestyle bebé." his face was so close. The dim light in the hall gave me a clear view of Manuel's face he looked so stress did I really cause this. My hands find there way to his face. "I just ca..."
"Think before you say a word Adrianna. I can provide everything. This ," Manuel said pointing around the house then says "is unsafe. Especially if people know that your a Castellano."
"Okay just let me.."
"Adrianna you don't understand there is no letting you anymore. I give instructions now. Tomorrow first thing in the morning WE are leaving." Was he serious I had no say in anything.
Manuel distance himself from me "I can't stand to loose you again, I hope you understand."
Why does everything have to happen like this.
I look Manuel sternly in the face "Lemme me finish a fucking sentence. You can't come in here damning and controlling things like it's yours. You can't come here and not act like your life isn't any different then it was with a baby. I am not leaving with you at any giving time." I said strictly to Manuel.

He started to laugh like blown out creepy laugh, did he really think I was joking. "This is how it's gonna go love, your littelcstunt got me, but if you don't start acting right. I'm gonna have to go pay Roger a visit, I've been wanting to see him."
"You won't stop!"
"Lora and Shawn is that there name." Manuel said raising his brows.
"Okay!" I proclaim not wanting to hear anymore of his cruel thoughts.
Manuel caged me into the wall, we were nose to nose another inch closer and our lips would brush against each.
"Mine. Your mine everything about you is mine. My son. Your life. Our life. Know get in bed before I tear your ass off. Il tuo che mi guida Il bambina pazzesco!"

I've never seen him this mad, he uncaged me and I went to the room. Moving to the bed I sat down moving the comforter. I look up to see Manuel stripping off his close. Damn he got big, must've worked out everyday. His tattoos cover most of his body. My body instantly grew hot.

"The guest room is down the hall." I whisper.
"Listen to your words the guest room, I am no guest to your love." The rushed for the lap above my head and turned the lights off in the room. Than tugged me tight to his body on the bed with so much space. I was so tired that a drifted off to sleep and felt Manuel place a kiss on my temple .One thought was in my mined ........ this felt so right.

Short but filling. Vote and Comment. Until next time!

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