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Adrianna POV

"I'm a mafia leader", when James said those four words, I don't know why but I became angry. I trusted James, I never asked him questions. In fact I have ignored the fact that his house is big he dose seem like he has a lot of money. Omg how can I miss the signs; the guards, the locked room that he tells me not to go near..... the list can go on.

Then what does he want from me? After I was done yelling at him I went upstairs and locked the door. I need to go, but where? James did provide a lot for me, I was always an independent person so I'll figure something out. " Just because you locked the door doesn't mean I can't open Adri."

James said from the other side of the door.
I ignored him, and quickly stuffed things in my school bag. The window in the room was to high to jump from, this plan won't work. I'll just have to plan this in a way we're...
All the sudden the door was kicked open, James came in looking pissed. "What are you doing?" he questioned me like he obviously didn't know.

"Oh, caro tu potrai scappare ovunque tu vada ti trovo bambino che intendo ovunque." James said smirking. I'm not really sure what he said but I know it's Italian, because I took the class in 10th grade and the words he said goes along the lines of always finding if I leave.... I'm not sure.

"English James, In fact I don't care what you said but you need to explain everything to me, I have so many questions I need you to answer." I'm praying I don't get hurt I really trust James it takes me awhile to trust people.

James and I sat in the edge of the bed until when he started to explain to me some of my questions.

"Before I followed you home the last day you were at your fathers house I ran a background file on you, I don't know why but I did seems like you needed my help not like I help everyone I see but you of course, anyways after I figured out your dad was the reason I came to Georgia I went to the house anyways.." I interrupted "What.. how is my dad involved in all this?" I asked. "He um was a man who stole from my father and my family don't like when we get stolen from especially if we work hard on it. So as my fathers, son I took shit in to my own hands and killed you father that same day I brought you here." James said coldly.

He's probably surprised I'm not crying.
I decide to move on to my next question "So know where are you gonna go?" I asked looking around the room.
"We're going to New York where I have major business, don't question me things our start yelling I already applied for you to take online classes, I know you wanna be an independent person and achieve things on your own don't argue with me now because we covered a lot of things today your last day in Georgia would be tomorrow."
"But." by the time I said that James was already out of the door.
He thinks I'ma follow him around like I'm a dog oh fuck no.
After what felt like 10 hours of having people coming in the room packing things I decide to go to James office were he told me I'm forbidden from, Its the last day here anyways why not...

I slowly opened the door, once I stepped in the room I realized James wasn't there. Me being curious I looked around the room, I sat in his big leather chair and spin around in it until something caught my eye on his desk there was a photo frame of me and him. I remember taking this picture it's really sweet of him to have it on his desk but what does that mean , does he think we'll be together forever. Placing the frame where it was I looked around the desk some more until I came across a few guns. Crazy to say I'm living with a gang.... no mafia leader. Anyways I don't know why I'm looking though James desk it isn't like I'm looking for something. I also didn't realize that James was standing at the door.

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