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Manuel POV
I watch as her chest falls and rises. The sun was ready to rise and I had to get going some where for a long weekend business before my babe woke up. She look to carefree sleeping.
Her chocolate skin, her curves well shaped in that silk night gown, her scent all over the room made me want to rip her clothes off. I don't know how long I've been sitting in the chair in the corner watching her. One hour or so. Insomnia is a disorder that I have it really doesn't affect me but honestly, If I get 2 to 5 hours of sleep thought the day I'm good.
Once again I was going to have my sister keep her company. Seems that she likes Adrianna because every time I call her all she wants to know is when she's gonna see my "girlfwiend".
Before I head out the door I kiss Adrianna on the forehead and walk out the door. "Non lasciarla fuori dalla tua vista", I said to the guard out front!

Adrianna POV

I haven't seen Manuel since the night he crashed drunk. It's been forever all I've gotten from him was a phone call that was two days ago and 5 minutes long. Michelle and I have been bonding together and what not but I just really wanted to see Manuel I miss his voice and his bod.....
The house was empty and it was just me, Daya, Chelly and the guards. Manuel had fired all the other workers a few days ago for what reason I don't know. But the girl Vicky I think that wanted to have beef with me the first day here comes everyday damning that Manuel has sent her to live at the house. She has an obsession.

It midnight and it's corny to say I wanted a midnight snack the guards are roaming the halls instead of blocking the door to the room. I went downstairs in the kitchen I didn't wanna wake up Daya for some dumb service when I can do it myself, if I'm not handicap and I don't ask for anything don't pressure it like Daya does.
I enter the kitchen with the lights on. I see Manuel's backside, taking out something from the fridge. "You could've called and told me you were alright, You could've at least come to the room first to woke me up and greet me", I said shifting my legs. I squint my eyes. Manuel still hasn't turned around yet. He was wearing a white-t and some sweat.

"Adri I'm twenty seven years old, I don't have to report everything to you. What did I say about asking questions," he says walking towards the stove not even glancing at me.
"Oh, I can't ask questions. Your the one that brought me here for what Manuel?!", No one in there right mind has every spoke to Manuel the way Adrianna did besides his mother.

Manuel finally turned around. Looked me up and down and licked his lips. Oh his fine lips I haven't seen them in so long. I just wanna kiss his aggy as right know. He walked over to me and hugs me. We stand in the awkward silence for a minute until my stomach growls. In the moment why? Manuel picks be up and seats me in a chair and tells me to stay.

He cooks what every he pulled out the fridge. It smelt so good. He places the plate of food in front of my. "Thanks", I say without looking up.
"Daya hasn't been feeding you, I'm gone for a week and it looks like you lost weight." Manuel says watching me as I take a bite from the meal.
"She has it's just... not her fault I just don't eat the food."
"Why?", Manuel says washing the last plate from the sink. "Why? You don't like her cooking?"
"No it just.. I was worried about", I took another bit from my food trying to disregard his question.
"Tesoro, you was worried about me."I nod my head finishing the rest of my food.
Before I can get up to go wash my plate, Manuel took the plate for me and washed it. I watched the way his back muscles flex. When I felt an unpleasant feeling.
I'm opening up more to him I realized. I let a breath I didn't know I was holding when he said "You gotta start eating so when I get home, I come back to a full course meal!" Manuel said. Now he got some mad issues "full course meal" lmao what am I.
"Okay Manuel", I said quoting my fingers behind his head. All of the sudden Manuel had my wrist in his big hands. He pulled me though the halls once we reached the stairs he carried me over his back.
"I can walk you, Manuel If you haven't noticed. Stop dragging me around like a damn rag!" I said hitting his hard rock back.
He didn't say a word to me once we got the room. Just dropped me on the bed I went to the bathroom than he went to take a shower.

I stared at Manuel once he gets out the bathroom. I watched lustfully as he dropped the towel, he had such a nice toned ass. "So your just going to ignore me?" I frowned before following him to the closet.
"It's been a long day and you should rest." Was all Manuel said leaving me in the closet going to the bed.
I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at him as he relaxed and closed his eyes on the bed. My mouth water at the sight of his six pack and tattoos. He's hand ran over his face before rubbing his chin. I really don't know why but I had to say it.

"I would like to know where you at, so I won't have to worry about you?" I paused and looked at my hand. "So I don't have to worry about you getting killed." I finally said. Manuel opens his eyes. "No one is gonna kill me." He says closing his eyes once more. I watch as he relaxes. "You don't have to worry about me!" He said easing his voice a bit. "That basically saying I don't have to care about you!" I said laying on the other side of the bed.
"You always protect me, worry for me, you can't stop my thoughts", I say pressing on the word me. Know facing him Manuel is smirking but keeps quiet. He was thinking deep what ever it was I wanted to know. Manuel let out a groan which I found sexy sorry. Since I wasn't gonna get and word from him I pulled the covers over my shoulder. Signed, rolled my eyes and head to sleep.

It's the next morning and I'm woken up by Chelly's loud voice she sounds so cute. I open my eyes to adjust to the light. Once I'm up I had to the bathroom to my hygiene and go downstairs. I'm greeted by Manuel, Michelle and another man.
"Finally it's nice to meet you Adrianna. Seems like my son finally found a wonderful woman to become his wife." I chocked on air and look over to Manuel who seemed interested in his phone.
Of course Michelle smart self had to pitch in "Daddy that's my frwend. Maney's girlfrwend!" she said with excitement running to me to pick her up.
"It's nice meeting you. Um Mr.Castellano", I said awkwardly looking around for a seat to take with Chelly in my arms, girl wrapped around me like a snake.

Manuel stands from his chair gives me a kiss on the head and tells me Morning. Manuel's father and I exchange a few words before breakfast was over when he announce he had to leave taking Michelle.
It was know me and Manuel left alone in the dinning. Standing up I was ready to head back to the room to finish some online school work. When Manuel's hand shoots out in grips my thigh. Manuel's staring at me intensively making me feel nervous. He growls and takes his my ass in his hands, squeezing every so often. "Did I tell you, to leave? Did you ask Tesoro?."
"I-I" I stuttered over my own words than became to flushed.
"Next time you ask to leave, rules are changing now Tesoro." Manuel says giving my ass another squeeze.
I bit my lips in habit and anticipation to say something slick but I wanted to see what Manuel was gonna do. I like this. "Know answer me you take orders from who?!" Manuel said loudly.
"Y-you" I mumbled quietly. He removed his hands for my ass and placed the on the back of my head so we could be on the same level he whispers in my ear "I couldn't hear you Tesoro.", Manuel is literally poking my thigh but I try hard to ignore it. "You" I said once more with a moan.
"Know where we're you gonna go?" he said seating me on his lap mind that his dick was know poking my behind. "To finish some class work." I said getting up.
"You can go once your done. I want to to get ready we're gonna out to eat. Daya would bring your dress up." Manuel said getting up leaving me confused and can I say wet. "That was interesting!" I said aloud.


Talk to me nice guys?! What do you think?
I don't know what I'm doing l'm just writing with the flow.
Once again hoped you enjoyed. :)
Italian translated in English "Do not let her out of your sight".

The Unexpectedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن