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Two weeks later (Adrianna POV)

It's upsetting to know my best friend isn't near anymore but we do face time each other once a week, I miss her crazy ass I thought as I lay in bed.

" Adrianna" James said huskily from downstairs. "Come here."

I just got up from a nap and this man already calling me regardless I know if I didn't go to him I'll be in trouble so I head downstairs anyways.

"At your service James what do you want", I said with an attitude. James stands from the chair he was sitting on and looks at me blankly, I'm against the kitchen counter and I stand my ground. I low key want to tease the beast today I don't know why but this act seems intriguing.

James tucks my hair bend my ear once he reaches me with long strains and lightly rubs my ear shell with his lips. Awaiting for what he has to say I look down at the ground know feeling not so confident with my actions.

"You wanna give me attitude know sweetheart." James whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes my butt tightly. I shiver. "Huh, you can't answer now can you?"

I look at him and bit my lips in habit "Sorry, ugh it won't happen again" I said in a whisper I hope he heard me I won't like to repeat myself.

"Know that's what I like to hear mama." James said laughing " I like messing with you", James says backing away from me and getting back to his seat I let out a breath I didn't know I holding. "So, what did you want ?"I asked still shaken by seeing James domestic side.

How was I going to tell Adrianna that I was a mafia leader, that I was hiding my identity as a teacher here in Georgia to finish some business . My, she's so young but I want her to me mine to take her with me back to my country, Italy.

I spilled my true identity all to her truthfully and coldly . I watch her stare at me in disbelief like she was afraid of me. My chocolate drop was scared of me I didn't want her to be.

"Why are you.. Are you serious why didn't you tell me ?!" she screamed I hated when she did that but I understand why she's yelling. I don't take shit from people especially when it's yelling.

Know the real question how will I tell her the day I followed her home was when I figured out she was the daughter of Mr. Brown who had done something to my father that I needed dead.....

The UnexpectedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora