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It's an everyday thing, not literally, but I struggle to do my natural curly hair. I mean I love it but my hair is so thick I already popped 4 rubber bands this morning.

"Girl are you done! It's the first day of school, I don't want to miss seeing the freshman." That's my best friend, Shanya slim thick and drop dead gorgeous. I finally am able to mange my hair into a low bun and quickly grab my school bag then head on over with Shanya to her car for the first day of 12th grade.

"We have all class together besides third and last period", I whined in a pouty face. "Calm down hoe, as long as we see each other. " Shanya says rolling her eyes. I watched as other students passed by us. I glanced down at attire, I was wearing black and white hurraaches, faded blue skinny jeans, a black polo shirt paired along with my Casio gold watch. Of course before we headed to class Shana wanted ahead asking how her appearance looked. I hear the school bell ring and Shanya and I head to first period, without stoping and catch up with a few friends from last year.

The day went by quickly and I was already in last period Pre calculus I heard this course was gonna be much easier compared to last yea since Mrs.Taylor left. During lunch, Derek one of our high school jock mentioned that this year our calculus teacher was a newbie. A bunch of the girls too were in the hallways chatting excitingly about the news. It was well aware that who ever out new professor was he was good looking.

Finally, seated I examine the class I'm in familiarizing myself with the people around me. I sometimes can get paranoid.

"Alright class I'm Mr.Fritz, this year is going to be a good or bad year if you're willing it to cooperate with me as your pre calculus professor for the semester."

The instant sound of his yawning voice possibly made every girl in this class rooms panties wet.


Worst first chapter did this along time ago , I promise the plot gets better as you read on!

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