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As I made out, his face, his eyes he had scanned my face several times through ought the class period. I brushed the thought off that he'd pay any attention to me. Which grow my self consciousness about my appearance. For one, the clothes I'm wearing were really hard to get this year. The shoes and watch were a genius birthday gift from Shanya. Her generosity is one of the many reasons why I call her my bestfriend. She helps me out with a lot she lets me sleep at her house when my alcoholic dad gets umm abusive. She's been by my side supportingly throw thick and thin.


She sat in the middle of the classroom, whenever I'd looked up her. She'd creamy brown thighs would be slightly apart, I wasn't sure if this was intentionally but it sure seemed like it. Few times i'd catch her peeking under her lashes starting at the oddest things making me wonder but I can't take limits to far she's a student.

"I'll be taking attendance in the next few minutes as well, I'll also be passing out the rubic for this year." I took a breath catching a glance at the young lady that's caught my attention.

As I called out the attendance I made current to look at each student to memorize faces that I'd soon no longer need. When I reached the name Adrianna the girl I was adoring mumbles a here.


I didn't realize he called my name out loud for a second my mind had wondered off to the thought of Mr.Fritz hitting my ass with a ruler, I shuddered almost falling off my seat when he called my name. After I mumbled a quick here I bite my lips trying to hold my moan in. I can't believe I'm having these thoughts racing through my head as it's the first day back. Since I have become fully aware of my self image I begin to reflect and compare myself to the girls in the room. I'm to ugly for any guy to want to interact with me. If a male student attending this school has yet to approach me then obviously this professor holds no attraction towards me.


"Thanks for the ride shay" I said stepping out of Shanya's car. I'm set to get into the house but before I can step though the doors of this house, I can already get the whiff of alcohol in the air. l get to running to my room quickly trying to avoid my father. I gladly enter my room with a sigh only to find him on the edge of my bed crying .

"Dad what's wrong " I repeated the third time

"God damn it why do you look like your whore like yo-ur a mother huh"

"Dad your dru" he hit me I mean it wasn't like the first time but it still comes to surprise I didn't even get to finish my sentence. Then it ends up to a few kicks and punch here and there and I end up sleeping uncomfortable. After my mom left for another guy my dad's behavior and his old self left.

"And bicth don't forget to clean my house " Times like this made me want to end it all.

It's the next morning and I have to cover my bruises with a long sleeve it isn't even that cold out yet to be wearing the piece I have thrown on. I go in the kitchen to grab something to eat only to find cases of beers in the fridge. I leave the house hunger and anticipate to get breakfast at school.

Shanya is here and I get in her car quickly aiming to avoid her morning honks.

"I brought you DD just in case you were hunger".

"Shanya you always come in clutch girl "and off we went to school.


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