Chapter 7

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Leanne startled something in Alexa, her body was shaken. There was a familiar eerie presence to the sadistic woman that Alexa couldn't place. The raven haired sat on her sofa watching the news but only for background noise.

Alexa was engrossed in her thoughts; She couldn't shake the predatory stature of the woman. Her eyes undressed Riley, her threats to "Punish" her made Alexa's blood boil to the point where her hands started to trembling. She knew she had no right getting protective but Riley and her were so close almost in a relationship, none of them had labelled it yet.

Alexa got up off the sofa in an attempt to calm herself. She needed a release, so a run was in order. The green eyed beauty rummaged around in her closet to find her running attire; a pair of grey thermal leggings, a grey thermal t-shirt and blue unbranded running shoes. She tugged her fridge door open to pick out a bottle of water and headed out the door.

The run had started 10 minutes ago, it provided clarity and serenity for Alexa. Her gut warning her that someone was following her, she took in her surroundings subtly trying to ease the nervous knot in her stomach. Her legs carried on whilst the light of the sky dimmed subtly hinting that the day was aclose. Alexa's legs couldnt take it anymore when they slowed down, her heart racng, her breaths heavy. It had indeed been a good run for her, it didn't release her thoughts it pushed them to the back of her mind, her body was still tense from the uncomfortable gaze of an anonymous soul. She slowed down into a fast walk looking around at her surroundings, hear heart jumped when she realised there was a hooded figure tailing her; roughly 8 meters away.

Trying to keep calm, she peered through the pathways trying to read the road sign which told her she was in Riley's neighbourhood. She tried to scan the road remembering where Riley's house was from her exact position. This would have been much easier if she was sat in her car. She glanced back the hooded figure had disappeared. Alexa stopped slapping her hands on her knees, hunched over trying to regain her breath.

She made her way to Riley's house, reaching the front door crouched out panting. She knocked on the door and instantaneously the blonde opened it up; a grin spreading on her lips. Alexa lost her breath again she looked Riley down she had lounging shorts on, with a new York city tight t-shirt showing a substantial amount of cleavage.

"Hello to you too, my eyes are up here." She chuckled in amusement whilst alexa's cheeks turned a crimson colour.

"Hey, sorry- I just wanted to stop by I was in the neighbourhood."

"Well thank you, would you like to come in? You look like you need some food."

"That sounds really good right now, what are you thinking?" Riley drifted to the freezer and frowned at the lack of food in it, She opened the fridge and frowned again.

Alexa chuckled. "Take out?" the blonde asked her fatigued girlfriend.

The raven haired nodded. "Sounds good."
Riley grabbed her car keys and escorted Alexa to the car.


Alexa woke up tangled in Riley's body, their legs intwined and Riley's arm cradling Alexa's waist.

When Alexa was with Riley all of her worries melted away and Alexa became intoxicated with the blonde. Riley is fascinating; she has multiple sides to her negative and positive sides. Alexa yawned and turned her body towards her lover. She took in Riley's features her nose was short and wide, the way her eyes were darkened most likely due to the anxiety she struggled to control. Her asymmetrical eye brows, the beauty spot on the left side of her lips. She was perfectly imperfect. Alexa lightly grazed her lips along Rileys which resulted in the younger girl stirring awake.
Riley stretched her arms above her head taking a deep breath in and releasing it. Her eyes flickered open to the ravenhaired lying next to her.

Her lips spread into a shy smile. "Morning pretty lady." She chimmed.

Alexa felt her heart rate fasten with the compliment. "Morning to you too."

The older out of the pair leaned in for a kiss, it was soft and delicate. Almost as if they were kissing for the last time and they were savouring every single moment. Riley pulled away; a smile creeping on her lips. She leant over Alexa reaching for her phone. She stared at the screen in shock trying to find a sentence amongst the scrambled thoughts.

"Alexa we-you- yas." Alexa cupped Riley's face in an attempt to calm her down.

"Take a deep breath and then tell me." Alexa cooed. Riley heeded the raven haireds advice. She sucked in a room full of oxygen and let it escape again. Feeling slightly dizzy.

"We're late for school!" Alexa laughed hysterically.

"Riley it's Sunday, calm down."

She blond shook her head and jumped off the sofa wist haste. "Alexa it's Monday, think about it the night before last we watched Saturday night live and yesterday we got brunch delivered here!"

Alexa's eyes widened. "Shit!"

The pair fumbled around like lunatics, Riley run up the stairs to wake her sister but found the empty bed. Her panic started to take over her hands trembled, the rapid heart beat, the feeling of vomiting, her head spinning. She stumbled down the stairs and hung onto the banister for support until she figured out what to do next.

The raven haired peered through the living room with a face fresh full of make up, her hair tied up, and a blue flannel dress in courtesy of Riley's wardrobe, noticing how pale and weak Riley was, she fumbled around the coffee table but no luck, she checked Riley's bag with relief handing riley her tablets and a bottle of water. The blonde took them waiting for them to remedy her feelings. Her head rested inbetween her legs and she attempted to grasp control on her breathing. Alexa sat on the step with her holding her hand and cooing her. Minutes past and the blonde felt strong enough to make her way to carry on with the day.

Riley unlocked her phone seeing a text from Yas; 'Hey sis, I'm staying over Jacob's tonight. Love you xxx' The blonde disappeared into her bedroom leaving with a blue pinafore, a grey under top and her bright blue bohemian vans.

The pair headed for the door, Riley noticed the mail on the floor. She picked up the stray letters and stuffed them into her backpack fiddling around in her bag for her car keys.

"Mind if I ride with you?" Alexa asked shamefully. She mentally cursed herself for not coming over by car.

"Yeah that's fine. Everyone will probably be in classes' by the time we get there so it wont look suspicious" she smiled weakly.

The panic attack from earlier weakening her. They'd been happening a lot recently and with the added stress of her situation and everyone; right now her mental health was furrowing. She whispered her mantra but it was losing the strength it used to give her.

The drive consisted of the woman mentally worrying about their tardiness and how much suspicion it would raise.

The Secret To Loving Riley. (GxG) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now