Chapter 4

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I walked past Alexa's room to see that she had a free period. I knocked on the door, hearinh her boots knocking on the floor. She turned the handle as she focused her attention on me, a wide grin spread across her face.

"Riley." She mused with excitement.

I smiled back. "Miss Scarlett. I believe I need to catch up with some of my work?"

She looked around the door. "Come on in."

The door shut the door behind me, and the older woman walked me over to a private area of the classroom before wrapping her arms around me in a warm embrace. I pulled her body in tighter, breathing in her scent as I let out a shaky deep breath. She pulled away and cupped my face.

"Are you okay? What did the police want?" she asked softly, curiosity and worry laced within her words.

I gave a nervous laugh and I sat on the nearest desk. "Would you like the long version or the cliff notes?"

She narrowed her eyebrows. "Short version."

I sighed. "Okay, so. My mother's in custody because she stole 7.3 million dollars off a billionaire guy she was seeing. She told me where she hid the money. It's mine now. She's not going to give it up under any pressure so she's going to do the time. She poured her heart to me and told me that she was proud of me and who I was and what I've done that she hasn't. Her public defender Leanne gave me a ride back here and she was asking fishing for something, but I didn't give her anything." I rolled my eyes.

I jumped off the desk plonking my behind in the chair. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my temples. I looked up at Alexa who was staring at me, a look or suspicion twinkled in her eyes.

"Wow." Was all she could muster up.

I laughed hysterically for about 5 minutes before the shock of the situation wore off. Alexa stared at me the whole time until she came over and sat in front of me. Her eyes inspected mine for a minute until she finally broke the silence.

"Riley, what if her billionaire ex come's after you?" she queried.

I paused, letting my eyes scan the floor. "I never thought about that." I worried.

Alexa grabbed my hands. "Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. He probably won't. If he called the cops instead of hiring someone then he's a gentleman. Not some mafia type money lord." She mused, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

I nodded my head. "Mhm. Yeah."

I stared at the desk in front of me trying to figure the whole situation out. We didn't really need the money. But, my mother still stole it ensuring Yas and I could have a future.

I lifted off my seat and I paced back and forth. Alexa peered in front of me, she put her hands on my waist and gave me a side smile. She bowed her head, so she was looking up at me. "Rile, you'll be okay. Just focus on school and Yasmin. Just don't get noticed by anyone and keep a low profile. This will blow over eventually."

She leaned in to kiss me and our lips connected. I felt her need for me, the kiss got passionate and an impulse to bite her lip arose, I gave in, the raven-haired woman let out a surprised moan. I smiled into the passionate kiss. Alexa pulled back. Her breathing shaky, her chest rising and dropping abnormally fast.

"Miss Wood. That was uncalled for you're lucky you're at a catch-up session or I would have had to give you detention." She threatened in a raspy and aroused voice.

I leaned into her ear and pulled her body into mine. "I wont object to that, Miss Scarlett. Punish me how you will." I let my hot breath linger on her neck as her body quivered.

The Secret To Loving Riley. (GxG) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now