Chapter 17

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Riley's P.O.V

Alexa and I agreed to having a couples day out. I worked up the courage to venture into the piggy bank my mother risked her freedom for, I only managed to take out $500 because my wallet was going to burst.

I drove us to a restaurant just outside of town knowing that we would be safe from the other students, the psycho and anyone who happened to know Alexa and I.

We climbed out of the car and made our way into the restaurant. It wasn't very fancy but we knew it had good hearty food.

Alexa and I waited at the door for the usher to meet us.

"Table for two?" he asked, our server was very obviously gay.

He set off my gaydar instantly. We both nodded our heads eagerly and we followed him to a small booth in the corner of the room. It was an intimate area because of the extra privacy.

"What would you like to drink, ladies?" the guy winked.

I scanned his name tag. 'Ryan' I chuckled inside because the two the Ryans I knew back in the UK were both oh so gay.
I smiled at the server. "I'll have a full fat pint of coke with loads of ice and a slice of lemon please."

Alexa raised her eyebrows at me not knowing if she was allowed to order an alcoholic beverage. I raised my eyebrows as a smartass grin appeared on my face telling her to go for it.

"I'll have a lemonade, hold the ice and a slice of lemon please." She smiled causing the server to mutter something about taking our food orders when he brings the drinks back.

Alexa put her elbows on the table as her face rested on her entwined hands.

"How are you doing in school?" she mused knowing full well that I was always top of the class but a pang of disappointment washed over me when I realised I had barely completed an assignment until the officers came to inform me about mum.

Alexa read my mind and she took my hand scanning the room. "It will be okay, there will be catch up sessions in place for you. You have a lot going on. You've only missed a week or so. You've got 4 months left. Dont worry."

My lips spread as a boost of optimism hit me. This felt weird, Alexa comforting me instead of me comforting her. I stared at the centrepiece reminising about the first day I met Alexa, and everything inbetween until Ryan came back with our drinks.

We said our thanks and he took our orders. I had the 9oz steak and fries whilst Alexa went for the fries and house burger.

I missed who I used to be, cool and collected. I was admired. I was free, I felt as though I could do anything and I could face anything. But something's taken the wind out of my sails and it all started with two people; Heather and Leanne.

I couldn't help but feel for Heather, she obviously had something mood altering wrong with her because her mood's shifted in the blink of an eye. It was terrifying because I didn't know enough about her to know what extent her pain would take her.

Our food came out and we ate talking about school, Yasmin, reminiscing about the night she went missing.

I flinched whilst we were on the topic. When we finished I tipped Ryan a healthy $30 because he was amazing at his job and he seemed enthusiastic. Anyone who can be that way whilst working in customer service of retail deserved to be tipped and double paid.


Alexa wanted to go out tonight and have a couple of cocktails and she asked me to come with. We were going to her favourite shady bar where she knew I'd be let in because her bestfriend owned the place.

I offered to buy us some going out clothes to brighten up the mood and hopefully hype myself up about getting drunk. I never really liked getting drunk, I enjoyed the small buzz after some shots but falling over and getting absolutely wrecked was not my idea of fun, neither was getting high.

We walked into a womans shop that was equivalent to the "New look" back in the UK, Alexa and I separated because we had opposite dress sense. She walked towards the hot pants and dresses whilst I walked to the jeans, pinafores and crop tops. I reached up to have a look at a suade pinafore, I looked for my size which was confusing because in the UK I would be 10 but in the US I was a 6 to 8 depending if I wanted baggy or too tight. I tugged on the hanger and I swung to my left and my force knocked over the person standing next to me.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Here." I helped the stummed woman up and I had a good look at her face, she looked up at me through her lashes and produced a grin.

"Heather, its good to see you, how have you been?" I asked. Hoping she had not seen me with Alexa.

"Hey, I've been good. Trying to recover from a break up isn't fun. You wouldn't know." I could almost sense the sadness she felt.

I put my hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry Heather, I hope I didn't hurt you. I didnt think I lead you on but If I did. I'm so sorry." As if a light switch had been flicked, it was as if the girl infront of me had an epiphany.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Sometimes thing's just aren't meant to be." Her tone seemed genuine, unfazed. I felt as though I could breath easier now that Heather felt better about the situation.

"That's right, you'll find love one day." I smiled hoping she'd take the hint. As I she could read my mind and for the first time actually not act on the opposite of it.

"It was great seeing you, See you in class, bye." She waved me off and she walked as if she didn't have a care in the world. I watched her leave in disbelief. Did that really just happen?

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