Chapter 10

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Riley- The Past.

"I loved playing with Yas. She was my sister and best friend and it was an amazing combination. I trusted her with everything. I barely noticed that I was older than her. I loved it when we'de go out to play football because we both supported the same team. We both put on our jersey's and football boots before heading out to play.

I threw the football up into the air in boredom until Yas came out. She peered from the doorway and took the ball off me, I laughed and chased after her. We separated and she kicked the ball poorly to me.

I sniggered at her and she shouted incoherent words across the concrete road.
I took a couple of steps back from the ball to make a more powerful kick for Yas to catch. I took a deep breath and I looked at her.

"Ready?!" I shouted.

She nodded her head eagerly and that was all the persuasion I needed. I run towards the ball kicking it with all the strength my twelve year old legs had, it flew into the air amazingly.

Yas hopped around trying to get under the right angle to catch the ball but it wasn't enough. It collided with her fragile skull and she was knocked to the hard warm concrete floor.

Everything fell into slow motion, Yasmins limp body fell to the floor slowly; I was able to scream and I took full advantage.

My body froze like I was stuck in quicksand, my chest tightened as I saw the crimson liquid poor out of her head. My mother came running out, she shook my numb body but she knew she wasn't getting any sense out of me. She run towards Yasmin like it was the last thing she would ever do.

Not long after that an ambulance showed up and sweeped us all away. I remember the medic staring into my face and shining a light into my eyes but he must have assumed I was okay because he didn't bother with me after that. I dared to look at my little sister on the stretcher, her bloody face, her hair had matted to her head, her eyes clamped shut, I wished so hard she would open them.

A month later Yasmin was still on the road to recovery but she wasn't the same, she'd randomly fall and her body would start jerking and she'd made deep throaty screams which scared my parents and I. My mother took her to the doctors and they run tests on her, the accident had triggered her epilepsy to occur.

Yasmin acted like I didn't exist when she found out it was permanent. It broke my heart. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I was doing really bad in school.

A couple of months later Yas was put on this medication that tried to tame her seizures. It also heightened her mood swings so she got violent. One day I came home from school and I was getting ready for the bath, Yasmin came in and I'd borrowed something of her's without asking and she flipped.

I started biting back, mimicking her voice which annoyed her further and I repeated to do it until the next thing I know I see a darkness, I looked down- blood pouring down my body, I screamed and Mum came upstairs. Yasmin was stood over me giving her a terrified look whilst I was screaming in shock. My mother sorted out my eye and then we went to A&E. They said I wouldn't have permanent damage but my eye hasn't been the same. My mother lost it with my sister, she threw the tablets down the toilet and requested less mood altering ones.

My mental health was still deteriorating years after that happened but my mother managed to get medication for me. Then three years ago I went over my cousins house because we went down to see the family.

I escorted myself upstairs with Sammy, we always used to play the xbox together. He's 4 years older than me, he told me to sit on his bed.

So I did, I thought he was setting up the xbox but he pushed me down on the bed and I told him that he was scaring me, but he wouldn't listen. He started to undo my jeans and I froze up, my heart was ringing through my ears, he undid my jeans and he started to undo his. He pulled his bxers down and he grabbed my boxers, I had the fight back in me because of the adrenaline. I pushed him off but his hands pinned me down. He was inches away when Yasmin walked in and she's not an idiot, she saw the look on my face. She walked over to him and she hooked him right under his jaw. She knocked him out cold, he didnt wake up until after we'de gone.

We promised never to tell anyone about what happened that day. But that day brought us closer together again."

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