She shook her head,"it's okay. But, are you the boy looking for (Y/N)??"

I hesitated a moment before nodding.

"Oh, well. I'm sorry if you don't know that she's not here."

My mind took its time to comprehend what she just said... Huh??

"Not here??" I repeated.

She nodded slowly,"she left the town with her mother last night. And she told me to give you this if you came."

She handed me a folder while I was still unable to form any word. I looked at the folder in my shaky hand before bowing down again to the lady. And she left me with a sad smile, walking back to her apartment.

I pursed my lips as I looked at the folder, knowing all too well that whatever was in this folder wasn't good.

Slowly, I tore the tip of it as I blinked away my tears.


"Just put the bag down there."

I nodded at my mom before throwing away my bag beside my bed. Then I lazily slumped my body on the bed before shutting my eyes.


I looked up to meet my mom's worried eyes. "You know I couldn't control the situation. And besides, the job here might be better, right?"

"Mom, I understand, really. Its okay if you're not ready to face dad. I waa shocked too to know he was there. But he shouldn't stop you from living your life. You need to let go." Wow, was that even coming from me??

"Oh, (Y/N), I know. But, it's not as easy as it seems. One day you'll fall deeply in love with a person and you wouldn't be able to imagine how your life would be without them. But I hope you never get hurt and live in the past like I did."

If only she knew that I fell deeper than I thought I could in love with someone. And I still couldn't explain how I was still breathing now without him.

He shouldn't stop you from living your life. You need to let go.

I just said that. Maybe it should apply on me, too. I guess I hurt him enough.

I nodded, placing a weak smile on my lips before saying, "I need to go and take a shower." And heading to the bathroom.

Taehyung's POV

I found a silver, star-shaped necklace in the folder, that confirmed it was really from her. And that felt like a hard pang in my heart. It was the necklace I gave her yesterday for her birthday.

I took out a folded paper from the folder and opened it, slowly sinking down while leaning on the wall and finally sitting agsinst the wall, unable to hold my shaking body.

I read it silently.

No need for 'Dear' or any formals. I won't be seeing you again anyway. I had to leave the town for two reasons: One, because my **** dad went to my apartment yesterday and scared the Hell out of my mom by appearing there and threatning her to take me and raise me with him. And Two, because I want to be far away from you, as far as I could go away from you.

I don't want you to get hurt anymore. Maybe we didn't really love each other and were fooled by the word 'Love' that we didn't even understand, decorating our childish fantasy with lies. Maybe I was what your dad said, not worthy for you, not rich, planning to steal your money. Maybe I was and you didn't even know that.

But I'm sure of one thing; we can't stay together. We're from two different worlds, night and day, two parallel lines that should never meet. Each should stay on their already-drawn path and shouldn't try to reach for the other.

I hope you understand that, but I shouldn't be a part of your life. Don't try to reach me or contact me; that would make you more hurt only. Let go and forget about me. You have a great life and any girl can be yours. You can hate me. But I don't want you to love me anymore.

– Big Mouth

The letter fell from my grip that shook even more now.


My heart was tired of choking down that heavy lump that forced my tears to burst out. It was tired of everything in this world that it was too numb to feel anything around me; as if a I was thrown in the void of emptiness, my mind itself not functioning anymore, only met be a harsh headache.

As if my mind just flicked at that second, just realizing everything that happened to me, I bent down in the bath tub, hugging my knees So tightly and let the tears flood out as the water washed them away.


Getting out of the bathroom with wet hair and even more wet eyes, I heard my phone ring loudly, and saw the contact name: GG

I shook my head as I turned my phone off. I had wrote for him in that note not to contact me. And I tried to be as harsh as I could to push him away. I almost forgot how hard it could be for him too to let go. But I was still determined to walk away from his life.

Blinking away the now fresh tears, I mumbled to myself as my heart ached,"I need a new phone number. And some ramen."

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