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"Finally!" I exclaimed as I got out of the car and said, "land! Sweet sweet land!!"

Other than being horribly talkative in the ride, Taehyung was driving like crazy through the empty streets while poor me kept being shoved left and right because of his stupid driving.
I had thought of throwing myself out. But the street was too wet and cold.

But finally, I was home.

"So, you'll cook some ramen?"

I looked behind as I heard the other car door open then close. I gave Taehyung a piercing look,"what do you mean? Go home, now. You drove me home."

"But aren't you gonna pay me for the ride?"

Did he actually want money from me?? But I only had some change. It wasn't en-

He then chuckled at my nervous stare. "Of course I'm not expecting you to pay me with money. I don't expect you to have any, anyway. How about a meal?"

"What, you serious?? You wanna get in my house and eat some shitty ramen??"


"No, that's enough. Just no." I walked towards the apartment. And reached my apartment door, Taehyung right behind me. I turned to him,"you know I can call the police because you can't come in people's houses Like that."

"Really? You want your parents to know there's a guy from your school who is hanging out in your apartment in the middle of the night??"

"And how do you know they're not right in there??"

"Because you're comfortably being noisy and not afraid that your parents would hear us and the apartment is appearantly dark and you're holding the key??" He shrugged with his hands in his pockets, smiling at me mischeviously.

I just had enough!! I didn't care if he actually broke into my house and took my belongings, as long as he didn't touch my food, I was just too hungry and I had more than enough bad luck for one freakin day. I unlocked the apartment door and pushed it, getting inside and throwing my shoes off.

"Take off your shoes," I said without looking back, knowing that he was probably already inside.

I set the bag on a kitchen counter and started boiling water to make my ramen. Then I looked over at Taehyung who was looking around with a frown.

"Place isn't fancy enough for you, prince?" I said sarcastically.

He looked at me then and something changed in his eyes, just for a bit. "I wasn't.. I-"

"Forget it. I was messing around," I turned my head to pick two bowls from a cupboard.

Taehyung started looking around as he sat in the couch. The space between the kitchen and the living room was open, not like the place was wide enough for four people. It was barely enough space for two. It was just a humbled apartment we could afford.

"Why are there boxes everywhere?" He asked.

"Emm, because I moved in here yesterday?" I was almost done with the ramen now. I put it in the bowls and set them on a tray with two chocolate milk boxes. Don't ask me why I even did that to him, I was too hungry and didn't care of anything anymore.

I put the tray down on the table and sat on an opposite couch, taking my chop sticks and digging into that hot, great ramen that washed all the tiredness, cold, and bad luck of the day away.

"Wow, I've never seen a girl eat like that before," Taehyung said, his brows forrowed as he looked at me as if I was an alien.

I looked back at him, "well, its probably because they're too shy to eat like that in front of you. But me, I couldn't care less. I only care for my poor stomach that suffered enough today."

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