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I sighed as the rambling of students never stopped as I sat in my seat beside the empty one of Taehyung. Appearantly, the king of school kept his reputation of always showing late.

At the last memory of him in my house last night, I shuddered. Then a girl in the seat in front of me turned to me and said,"hey, I heard you got stuck with Taehyung yesterday in the girls' bathroom. And you were skipping class to make ou-"

I coughed,"not a chance. It was a freakin accident. What is wrong with you, humans?"

"Well, its just cuz the gods apparently love you so much to make such coincidence happen for you with the most famous and rich guy in school. I mean, its not me, but all other girls in school envy you now and some of them even want to murder you. But don't worry, I'll protect you."

I raised an eyebrow,"and why would you even do that and you don't even know me?"

"Because.... You're one of the few people who see Taehyung as merely a human and don't care about his status and whatsoever. I admire your personality."

Okaaay, that was...... Unexpected?

"By the way, I'm Soo Jae," she said as she stretched out her hand.

"(Y/...N)," I said hesitantly taking her hand and shaking it.

Then, the teacher came in and she smiled to me one last time before saying, "wanna eat lunch together or you wanna get stuck with that guy again?"

"Hell no, I'll go with you, I guess." I said, still wondering what the hell happened and if what I just did was making friends.


My eyes fluttered open at the sound, wandering around the dark room but seeing nothing unusual. Some memories of the new friend I had lunch with this morning in school came into my mind, along with other memories of Tae's annoyance in class.
But I still couldn't make out what just woke me up in the middle of the night. The room just turned silent.

But, moments later, it came again, muffled crying could be heard from the opposite room; my mom's room.

I stood and quietly tiptoed towards her door that was slightly ajar. I opened the door a little more, peeking in at the figure of my mom who was crying on her bed.

It hurt so bad, watching her cry, I knew she suffered a lot in the hardness of life but she didn't show it to me most of the time. She was the strongest woman I've ever known. And watching her break down broke my heart to pieces. I couldn't bare watching her cry so I crouched and sat in front of her, wiping her tears."

"Its okay, mom, everything's gonna be alright," I tried to assure her.

She wiped her tears and looked at me with trembling lips,"(Y/...N), did I.. Wake you? I'm sorry,"

"Mom, its okay, are you having any problem at work? You know you can tell me."

She bit her lip, looking down, she said,"its just... We don't even have enough money to pay the bills. Soon, they'll cut the electricity and its winter. But.. I'll solve it out, don't worry, honey. Go to sleep, you have school tommorow."

"No, mom," I shook my head. "There's a shop nearby that needs some workers there. I think its a coffee shop. I'll work there on weekends or after school."

"But, (Y/N)..,"

"No buts, mom. I'm old enough to support you now."

She smiled warmly at me and kissed my forehead,"okay,but if it ever affected your grades, you'll quit."

I nodded, hugging her tight and feeling her warmth as she didn't look so tense like before.


"Yes, sir, just a minute," I said.

Until now,the coffee shop I was working at wasn't so bad after all; the manager was nice, costumers weren't so grumpy saying 'customer is always right' and the payment was starting to help.

I went to bring another order when another customer entered the crowded coffee shop.

I was too busy to even look at the new customer as I set the tray with the order for a customer on his table. Then I went to the new customer, catching a glimpse of his back only before holding my notepad and pen to write down his order.

"What is your order, sir?"

My notepad almost fell when I heard a familiar voice say, "well, how about some ramen, chocolate milk, another nice accidental fall and some pads?"

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