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I burried my face in my hands again as I remembered the events of yesterday; being forced to cook for six dorks –well, they're not that bad. But they were too messy and noisy– and handle their jokes, especially Jin's, was not easy. At all.

I sighed as I got up lazily from my bed, thanking god that today was a weekend day because I was too tired from yesterday's action.

I lazily brushed my teeth in front of my sink, not bothering to close the door because I knew my mom was already out to work.

But, then the door bell suddenly rang and I wondered who it was; it's not like many people pay us visits.

I walked to the door and opened it, swearing that if it was Taehyung I wouldn't hold myself from throwing him outside. Well, I know he's my.. *cough, cough* boyfriend, *cough* but sometimes he was too annoying, knowing exactly how to tease me.

I blinked a few times after opening the door and realizing it wasn't Taehyung.

"Good morning," a man with a hat smiled at me, handing me a big bag. "This is sent for you. Please, sign here and here," he said, pointing with his pen at some papers.

I nodded, still wondering what the Heck was going on but signed where he told me to.

He smiled again at me and nodded,"have a good day, miss." And with that, he left me standing at the door with a big bag in my hand.

I looked at the bag, shrugging, before getting inside and closing the door. But then I facepalmed after putting the bag on the table, realizing I hadn't even asked the guy who sent it. Was it even mine or my mom's??

I opened it anyway, my curiosity taking the best if me. And I found an expensive-looking bag, a silver, star-shaped necklace and many packets of perfumes. All of them were...


Yep, you're right. GUCCI.

I smirked, already knowing from whom it came when I found a small card too. I picked it up, opened it, and read:

Happy Birthday, my (Y/N)!!

Consider this a 'thank you, sorry, and I love you more than anything in the world' gift. I tried to find you a cute gift like the one you gave me but I couldn't find anything cuter than you ^^

Love you,

– GG

I felt a blush creeping its way to my face as I read it. Why was he so cute, sometimes?? But then it hit me; wait, today was my BIRTHDAY?? What the Hell??! How did he even know??! I didn't know. Or merely forgot, but still.

"Eeeekkkk!!" I felt my heart melt at his cuteness, how he knew it was my birthday and made sure he brought me a good gift.

I wasn't a bag person but the bag strangely suited my style. And the perfumes smelled like heaven!!

Oh, wait, that's why he smelled like heaven.


I picked up my phone, finding a message from Taehyung:


You're blushing, aren't you? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Hell?? How did he...




The Gucci Guy | KTH ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن