17- Untrue

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A/N: idk why but Taehyung looks so cute in that edit 😭💜

Anyway, let me skip the fangirling and head to the chapter, enjoy :)


Everything seemed dull around me, the shops, the streets,the people, this morning, seeming like another repeated day, as if someone had pressed the button replay on my life over and over.

But when I reached school, it felt different. Everything got a little bit brighter and more cheerful as soon as I saw him in the hallway as I entered the school.

 Everything got a little bit brighter and more cheerful as soon as I saw him in the hallway as I entered the school

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Good morning, (Y/N). I almost thought you wouldn't come but you promised." Jimin smiled sweetly to me.

I gave back a bright smile. But then I noticed someone else in the hallway.

I didn't even give a glance to know it was the Gucci guy, the memories of yesterday striking me just then, making me want to shrink and fade in front of these two, one of them I was trying to avoid but to no avail, and the other met me in my first sucide attempt or break down. Name it whatever you want.

I gasped as I was suddenly pulled through the corridor by the arm,
"(Y/N), good thing that I found you. I- I wanna talk to you.."

I pulled away from him, unconsciously taking a few steps from behind me, getting closer to Jimin.

"What the hell do you want??" I asked, hearing my voice as sharp as it ever could be.

Just at that moment, I saw something different  in his eyes as he glanced at Jimin then at me. Was it... Pain??

"Hey, Jimin.. I- didn't.. See you." Was all he said as he looked away, as if he couldn't bare to look at me any more.

Jimin nodded and said, "its alright, Taehyung. I was just passing by anyway. So, I'll see you around." He said the last sentence to me before dissapearing into the hallway, leaving me nervously standing beside Taehyung.

I stole a quick glance at him and he was still not meeting my gaze. But suddenly as I was secretly watching him, his eyes finally landed on me, looking deeper and heavier than before.

And colder.

"(Y/N), stay away from Jimin."

I couldn't even get the chance to ask him what he meant before he walked away from me, leaving me wondering about it.


My mind was a raging storm.

I didn't know what to do anymore, trying to block myself away from people like I did years ago. The walls were tumbling down and I needed to fix them before I fell apart.

But for some reason, I couldn't do that with Jimin, unlike anyone else, I couldn't stay away from him.

He just seemed so sweet and trustworthy, even if I had met him only yesterday in a very strange way.

So, I was trying to solve stuff out as I sat alone in the cafeteria, fiddling with my food and thinking deeply.

I didn't even notice anyone was there until I almost jumped at a sound,"why are you sitting alone? You shouldn't be."

I looked up to see Jimin, looking down at me with his tray in his hands. He sat in front of me and set his tray, not taking his eyes off me.

"Why not?" I asked, pretending to be eating to avoid further conversation. I was just too busy thinking right now.

He chuckled at me,"I told you before. You shouldn't be alone. It's better if you could stay with a friend. I don't want you to be lonely."

His caring words only made me want to trust him even more, but it wasn't something easy to give. But, maybe, just maybe, Jimin was an exception.

"So, what did you do today?" He asked excitedly while digging into his food.

I shrugged, "the usual, pretending to enjoy my life in another boring school day. Oh, wait, I'm not even trying to pretend."

He smiled at me then, "Then how about you do something different today? After school?"

"Like what?"

He shrugged with a playful smile, "I don't know. You can hang out with me."

I thought a little, then nodded. I had nothing better to do, did I?

Then, I looked up at Jimin, remembering something,"Jimin, how did you know Taehyung?" I asked.

He gave me a crooked up smile before answering, "well, remember when I told you that I used to have problems and someone luckily helped me? Taehyung is that someone."

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