34- Far Away

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to 1-800-SuckADick who always inspires me and gives me great ideas for my fanfics. Honestly, idk what  I would do without you. And your books are really amazing that they make me cry :')

Hope you and all of you lovely readers enjoy this chapter💕💕


Taehyung's POV

Looking around, I made sure no one was in view before jumping out of my window.

I hastened towards the bushes outside, the morning sun hitting my face as soon as I got out.

I looked over at my beautiful black car. But I couldn't ride it or they would see me. So, without anybody seeing, I walked as fast as I could to (Y/N)'s house, remembering what happened last night when she left...

"Y/– (Y/N)!!" I finally got to find my voice after barely taking in the shock, although my voice went out as a mere whisper from my trembling lips. I looked behind at the door (Y/N) just exited and finally was able to cry,"(Y/NNN)!!" But she never even looked behind once.

I rushed towards the door, ignoring the protesting noises of my dad. But he firmly grasped my arm, pulling me backwards.

I looked behind at him in shock.

"You're not going anywhere. Can't you see how she is fooling you?? She was disrespectful to your parents."

"B-but, dad, she's not–"

"Would you be happy if you loved someone who didn't respect your parents??"


"Answer me."


He then nodded, still looking mad at me. "You must understand I am only doing this for you, Taehyung. And that's the only reason I'm doing this." I looked at him in confusion as he gestured for a maid to come closer,"lock all the doors," he said as soon as she stood close to us. "And lead Mr. Taehyung to his room, please."

My eyes widened, darting at my dad,"What?? Dad, NO! I need to go and see (Y/N)! You Can't do this." I pleaded.

My dad shook his head at me again before saying,"you know all too well I can. But I'm not doing this to hurt you. I'm only doing this to avoid letting you hurt."

You're wrong. You're doing exactly the opposite, dad. You ruined my life by controlling it and didn't mend it. You only broke it even more, I wanted to say in front of him. But all what could come out of my lips was whispers and pleadings with (Y/N)'s name as I was dragged effortlessly towards my room, each step burying my heart deeper in my chest and weighing it more and more.

I was about to reach (Y/N)'s house while the memory traveled in my head, repeating itself over and over and making my heart sink even more. But I finally reached the house after escaping my own while my parents were out.

I ran to the door of (Y/N)'s apartment and banged on the locked door – yes, I tried to open it before knocking.

"(Y/N)! Open the door!!" I yelled, not caring about her neighbors or mother. I needed to see her face or I'll break down right there.

My shakey, irregular loud breaths that chased away the silence were interrupted by an old woman's voice,"young man."

I looked behind to see an old lady who looked in her fifties. She looked at me through her glasses. I bowed down in apology, respecting she was an old woman and said,"sorry for disturbing you, ma'am."

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