4-Too Close

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I sighed as I ducked my head in my palms and sighed deeply. This was only the first school day for me and yet look what happened in merely two hours. I, somehow, ended up stuck in the girls' bathroom with a cruel and hottest boy in school. Yeah, he's hot. But it doesn't conceal the fact that he's a jerk.

Now, we've been knocking on the door for quite a while and nobody seemed to hear us. The second period had already started and all students were probably in class now.

Great, Could things be worse? I thought. And just as I thought of these words in my head, the guy cleared his throat as he said,"well, since we're stuck here together and I already know your name, its better for you to know the name of the most famous boy in school."

"What? Is it Jerkbutt?"

He rolled his eyes, "No, it's Kim Taehyung, you big mouth."

I sighed again as I leaned on the wall.

Then, I noticed a window just above a sink. My eyes went back to Taehyung when I noticed that he laid his eyes on me, his stupidly great lips forming a crooked up grin.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing, its just that I'm thinking how lucky you are for getting stuck with me in a bathroom. I mean, its a good place to-"

"OKAY, I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS ALREADY," I exclaimed as I walked towards the sink.

"Where are you going?" His eyebrows jerked up as his eyes watched my figure.

"I'd literally rather break my neck than staying another minute with you," I said, climbing the sink and trying to get to the window above.

"W-what are you doing? You'll hurt yourself!" He said in a rather worried tone.

"Oh, yeah? And why do you care? If anything ever happened to me you'll get your sweet revenge that you wish for, not that I'll let that happen." I said, continuing to climb.

"But... But if anything happened to you they'll blame me for your death!"

"Wow, how positive." I said sarcastically.

I was about to reach that window and get my sweet freedom when I suddenly felt a yank at my waist and was suddenly pulled back. And at the last moment before reaching the ground, I somehow managed to turn my body to other side to face Taehyung. And we both fell to the ground as I lost my balance.

My body smashed into something soft. I groaned as I opened my eyes. And I tried not to look too shocked as I realized that I was.. On top of Taehyung. I was so close to him that our breaths were mixing and I could smell his ment breath that was much better than my fish-like horrible breath that almost stopped at that.

I saw him grinning as my cheeks flushed and I tried to pull away fast but stumbled back in top of him somehow. And just at that moment, the door opened.

"Umm, hyung?? Am I... Interrupting something??" A boy showed up at the door with his mouth open, revealing bunny-like teeth and looking at us with slight shock.

I got up as fast as I could, feeling my cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

"No, its not what it seems like," I tried to defend myself but to no avail.

That Gruesome Guy started to laugh and said,"yes, you were, Jungkook."

I gave him a piercing glare and pushed him away, walking towards the door as Jungkook moved aside to let me walk out and looking one last time at that stupid jerk. "Remember those words, Kim Taehyung, you will regret ever knowing me."

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