10 - Road Trip (Sherry's POV)

Start from the beginning

Then what? Then what!? Damn it woman just answer him!

As I glanced from the rearview mirror, Salve looked at me annoyed. Aaron rose his eyebrow. Fuck. Maybe I said it out loud.

“Yes, you did.” Roi said still looking at the window. Damn this person.

“Okay. Sorry. I’ll shut up now.”

Aaron sighed heavily and continued. This time I’m trying to control my inner thoughts to be loud. So I kept my gaze to the road.

Salve: I was just thinking… it’s the time.

Aaron: What about it?

Salve: You’re gonna leave. You’re gonna leave me.

Aaron: What’s important is the moments we spend. Let us not talk about the future yet Salve. Who knows I might do something crazy.

Salve: What’s that supposed to mean?

Aaron: I don’t know. But I do know that it’s crazy.

I heard Salve giggled and Aaron chuckling softly.

Aaron: So, are we okay now?

Salve: *it took her seconds to reply.* Of course Ron.

I couldn’t help but glance at what they’re doing… Oh. Hugging. Okay. Not much to see.

Anyway, what’s bothering me is how Roi is being awfully quiet. Should I start conversing him or throw my phone at him? What? And I’m bored here because Salve and Aaron are okay now. Meanwhile Roi and I are still not talking. I wanted to talk to him. I’m not sure why though. Wait, I do know why! It’s gonna be a long drive and I need someone to talk to. Yeah that’s it.

I cleared my throat softly, and it didn’t made Roi shuffle. Ughh, why is he so hard to talk to?



“Why won’t you talk to me?”

“I didn’t recall you making a topic to talk about. And why do you even care anyway if I talk to you or not??” he said in a raised voice.

I exhaled and bit my lower lip, prevent mean words to escape from my mouth.

“Because Aaron and Salve are okay now, so I want us to be okay.”

Wait, did I just say that?

“You want us to be okay?” he repeated.

“Umm, yeah.” I keep a calm face.

“Wow, that’s a first.” Salve said with a hint of amusement on her tone.

I glared at her from my rearview mirror, and she just laughed.

“If you want us to be okay, then say sorry.” Roi demanded.

“’scuse me? I? Sherry Anne Gonzaga shalt not say sorry to you Roi… Something! You were the one who got mad in the first place and just to be clear, I did your dare.”

“And ‘scuse me too, Sherry Anne Gonzaga, I am not Roi Something. I’m Roi Fabito. And yeah I got mad because you insist!”

Seriously is he this dumb? I thought he’s smart.

“Are you stupid, dumb or both? It’s a DARE Roi. You’re supposed to do it! God!”

“I am not stupid, dumb or both! I actually am –“ he was cut off by Aaron, “Okay, you guys are fighting again?”

Silence. We shut our mouths, because Aaron was right. We are fighting again. Stupid Roi.

“Sorry to interrupt your warfare but here’s a suggestion. Why won’t the two of you say sorry.”

We sighed in defeat.

“You say sorry first.” I told Roi. Which made his eyes bulge.

“Wha – me? No way! You say it first!”

“No! You shou – “

“Okay! Here’s another suggestion. Can you say it at the same time? Thank you.”

We both sighed deeply.

“Sorry.” We both said simultaneously. I saw his face lighten up, which made me smile.

“See? Was that so hard?” Roi said. I bit my lower lip to hold the mean words coming out.

“Don’t get under my nerves Roi.”

“Fine I’ll stop.” He paused a bit, “We’re cool now?”

“Fudge yeah we are.”

“Praise the heavens! They’re okay now!” Salve praised.

“Hey, I wonder how Rovie and Alex are doing at the back?” Roi wondered.

I glanced at the wing mirror, they were both dancing.

“Let’s hit the brakes?” I took a glance at the three of them, they were all wearing a sinister smile.

So I did. And *Thump! Thump!*

I watched them from my wing mirror and we all laughed.

They were rubbing their heads and then Rovie flipped the bird because she knew I did it on purpose. Mehehe, that’s what you get for dancing.

HAHAHAHA Okay. I’m okay now.


A/N: So? What'ya think? :D Comment and Vote :)

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