Surprise Announcement

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When Kurt and Blaine got engaged, no one knew about it, apart from Kurt's dad, and Blaine's mom.

Therefore, they decided to host a party to announce that they were engaged to be married.

5 days before the party, they decided to go to their usual supermarket to buy things for the party, as well as buying things for other things.

"So, are you looking forward to telling everyone else that we're going to get married?" Kurt asked, as they walked down the drinks aisle.

"Of course I am. I've been waiting for this moment since forever," Blaine replied, before stopping and getting some fizzy drinks off from the shelf.

"Same." Kurt smiled.

After fifteen minutes after that conversation, they were finished and on their way home.

When they got home, they tidied our their groceries and sat down and watched TV.

The next day, they practically did nothing, apart from watching TV and cuddling like any engaged couple would do.

Then, 3 days before the party, they went out with a friend, who knew they were about to tie the knot.

They ate lunch and did some party planning shopping for the party. The girl who went out at lunch with them, wasn't coming to the party, because she had another party to go to.

Before they knew it, it was the day before the party and they were getting all of the last minute things for the party.

When they had arrived home from the grocery store on that day, they had a conversation about when they wanted their wedding to be and what it would be like.

"So, when do you want the wedding to be?" Blaine asked Kurt, after kissing him on the cheek.

"I don't really have a preference, to be honest. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." Kurt smiled, before kissing Blaine on the cheek.

"I think I'd have my wedding in the late summer than winter. Although, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy." Blaine smiled back, as he put the shopping bags back into the drawer and sat down on the couch.

"Okay, that's cool. We have to pick a good day, though and have a back-up plan if it's bad weather or something," Kurt explained to Blaine, as he sat down on the couch, next to his fiancé.

"I love you," Blaine replied, before kissing Kurt on the lips.

"I love you too," Kurt replied back, after the kiss.

Then, 24 hours later, the party was ready to go, as well as Kurt and Blaine. They were ready to PARTAY!!

The party started at 15:30 (3:30) pm and it was already 15:00 (3:00) pm.

An hour later, they were ready to say what the party was for!! What the announcement was.

"So, I'm guessing you are all wondering what you're doing here, and why we invited you for," Blaine estimated, whilst moving his hands, as you do.

"Well, the other day, Blaine had made a candlelit dinner and he made everything perfect," Kurt smiled, trying not to smile too much.

"After dinner, we went to the staircase where we first met," Blaine carried the story on after Kurt.

"When we got to the bottom of the stairs, Blaine made the most romantic, beautiful speech I've ever heard in my life," Kurt smiled at Blaine.

"After my speech, I got down on one knee," Blaine smirked.

"And I HAD to say yes," Kurt smiled, holding his  hand out, the hand that had the ring on.

"Oh my god," Rachel shrieked, as she got up and hugged both Kurt and Blaine.

"Congrats," Sam smiled, as he too got up to hug his best mate and his future husband.

"How did he propose?" Santana curiously asked.

"Well, it (the day) started off as normal," Blaine started to explain.

"Then, around 4 o'clock, he asked me to get ready, and being me, I asked 'why?', to which he said,.." Kurt carried on what Blaine had said.

"I replied, 'just do it, you do trust me, don't you?', to which he said 'yes'," Blaine continued.

"Then, in the car, when we were about 5 minutes in, he asked me to put on a blindfold, because he didn't want me to see until the last minute," Kurt endured what Blaine had said.

"About fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the place where I was going to propose," Blaine hung on.

"Which was where?" Rachel eagerly asked, who was on the edge of her seat.

"We'll get to that point," Kurt smiled at her.

"Anyways, I guided him carefully out of the door, and to the opening of the place," Blaine went on.

"Then, when we stopped, he told me I could take off my blindfold," Kurt maintained.

"Once he had taken it off, I let him take in the sight," Blaine carried on.

"Where were you?" Marley asked, who was sitting next to Rachel, who were also eager to know.

"We were on the staircase where we first met," Kurt smiled and looked at his soon-to-be husband.

Everyone then in the room, awed because it was so romantic and special.

"Also, the staircase was surrounded by roses, and photos of us from our relationship," Kurt added on.

"After a while, I started a speech, which was all about how much Kurt has impacted my life and how I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him," Blaine smiled, at everyone, then, at Kurt.

"Then, he got down on one knee, and said 'Kurt Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love, will you marry me??" Kurt smiled, and looked at his fiancé lovingly.

"Then, within a second, even though he was crying slightly, he said yes, or rather, he whispered it," Blaine smiled and looked at his fiancé, lovingly.

Everyone awed and went up to hug them and talked all about their wedding.

About five hours later, everyone was gone, and Kurt and Blaine was sound asleep.

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