Birthday Surprise

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In about 2 days, it's Blaine's birthday and Kurt has planned something very special for him.

He doesn't know anything about it, that's why it's a surprise!! So, Kurt is really excited about it.

Both of them were awake and sitting in the living room and talking about what they were going to do on his birthday, even though Kurt knew what they were going to do.

"So, what do you want to do for your birthday?" Kurt asked, looking at his husband lovingly.

"I don't know, maybe just to spend the day with you," Blaine suggested, taking Kurt's hand. 

"Of course, we can," Kurt smiled into the touch of his husband's hand.

"Yaaaayy," Blaine whooped.

The rest of the day, they just laid and chilled out and ordered take out from their favourite restaurant.

Then, the next day, both had woken up by 10:30 and they ate breakfast together and talked about how the time flies.

At around 12:30, Kurt had to go to "the dentist" although he wasn't actually going there, because he was going to meet with the rest of the cast members to do a final run down of what is going to happen on his birthday, which is a surprise. Kurt hated lying to his husband, but he knew that it had to be done.

About an hour and a half later, Kurt came home again.

"So, how did the 'dentist' go?" Blaine asked, when Kurt came in and gave him a kiss.

"It went well," Kurt lied.

"Good," Blaine replied.

The next thing that they did was to make lunch and eat together. They made an omelette each with different things in them.

Then, the rest of the day, they just chilled and watched Blaine's favourite movie.

Kurt woke up first, so that he could make breakfast for his wonderful husband.

At 10:30, Blaine woke up and went to the dining room.

"Happy Birthday!" Kurt smiled and kissed his husband and then put the food on the plate.

"Thanks," Blaine smiled.

After an hour, they were both sitting in the couch, just chilling and watching Blaine's favourite movie. 

At 13:30, Kurt wanted Blaine out of the apartment, so that Kurt could start on the decorating for the surprise party.

"Hey, Blaine, would you mind going out for a bit?" Kurt asked kindly.

"Why do you want me to go out?" Blaine looked at his husband, a bit suspicious.

"Well, I was just hoping you could just go for a walk, because you haven't been outside today, and it's a nice day out," Kurt replied.

"Okay, if you say so," Blaine gave in, standing up and going to put on his coat and shoes.

"I love you," Kurt said, lovingly to his husband by the door.

"I love you too," Blaine replied, nicely.

Then, with that, Blaine stepped out of the apartment.

Kurt waited until Blaine was a little bit further than the door because then he couldn't hear anything that was going on in the apartment to make a couple of phone calls.

At 15:30, Kurt had made some phone calls to Blaine's closest friends, as in the Glee club, to come and celebrate his birthday with him.

Then, after about 5 mins, people started to arrive and sit down.

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