Four Year Anniversary

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Another year down, many years to go. This year, it was time for Blaine to do something for Kurt.

He had decided that he was going to have a picnic at their favourite park, that was very special to them.

Once they were both woken up and eaten breakfast, Blaine decided to get everything ready for the day, trying to not get noticed by his wonderful husband. Tracey and Hepburn were being taken care of by Rachel.

At a little past 13:00, Blaine decided to get Kurt and try to blindfold him from behind.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Kurt said shocked.

"I have a surprise for you, but I don't want you to know where we are going till we get there," Blaine said, whilst finishing tying the blindfold on his amazing husband.

"Fine!! I'm only doing it because I love you," Kurt smiled and slowly getting up from the couch.

Blaine guided Kurt to the door and got them both ready for the surprise.

After they had gotten ready, they went to get a taxi/cab and got in carefully trying not to break any legs or arms.

After 20 minutes, they had arrived at the park, where they had their first date and many more.

Blaine got Kurt out of the taxi and guided him to the part where they were going to have the picnic.

Blaine set out the picnic and the delicious food before he sat Kurt down and took off his blindfold.

"Oh my god!! This is amazing!!" Kurt gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. "Did you do all this just for me?"

"Yes, I did. Because you wanna know why? Because I love you so much and I wanted to show you how much I love you," Blaine smiled, taking Kurt's hands and held them.

"Aaaaawww, I love you too!! So much!!" Kurt said, before leaning over to kiss him on the lips.

After about half an hour of romantically feeding each other food, they decided to lay down on the picnic blanket and talk.

They were pretty much talking until the sun set, and since it was summer time, the sun went down at around 20:10, so it was slightly light when they decided to leave.

They got in the cab/taxi with everything they had and they started travelling home.

When they got home, Blaine asked Kurt if he could stay in the living room whilst he had to go and get something special ready.

"Okay, sure, I can do that," Kurt said, suspiciously.

"Good," Blaine smiled and quickly gave Kurt a peck on the lips before he went to go and fix the something special.

After about 10-15 minutes, he was ready to show Kurt, his fantastic and amazing husband, the something special.

He went downstairs to get him and lead him upstairs. When they were right outside the door Blaine asked Kurt if he could close his eyes, to which Kurt said yes and he shut them.

Blaine opened the door slowly, still holding Kurt's hand, and lead him inside, just enough where he could see what he had done.

"You can open your eyes now," Blaine smiled, letting go of his Kurt's hand and wrapping his arms around Kurt from behind.

Kurt opened his eyes and then saw the most beautiful view he had ever seen, apart from Blaine, though.

Right in front of him, there was rose petals on the floor and on the bed, their favourite playlist of music was playing in the background and the light was dimmed to the perfect intensity.

"Oh My God, did you do all this?" Kurt asked, turning around and hugged him tightly. "I love you so much, thank you."

"I love you too!!" Blaine said, before he started kissing his husband's neck.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, keep on doing that," Kurt moaned and leaning into the touch.

"Oh, I will, don't you worry," Blaine said, taking a break for a second before diving back in and started kissing his husband everywhere, first, on the lips and so on.

They both kept kissing each other until they were on the bed, which was full of rose petals, which were in the shape of a heart.

"I. Love. You. So. Much." Blaine said romantically between kisses.

"I love you too, so much," Kurt said back to him, calmly.

"Hey, let me do something that you are going to remember forever," Blaine said, looking down at his beautiful blue eyes.

""Yeah, sure. I love you so much, that I know you wouldn't dare to hurt me," Kurt said, nicely and slowly.

"I love you too!!" Blaine replied, before starting to begin the night of adventure.

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