Surprise Trip

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Kurt and Blaine decided one time they needed some time from everything.

So, since Blaine is the most romantic out of the two, Kurt planned the entire trip all by himself.

After about a month, they could go to the mysterious place, where Kurt only knew where they were going.

As they got in their seats on the plane, they saw these girls who looked amazing and gorgeous.

'It's a good thing, I'm gay,' thought Blaine and Kurt.

"So, I'm going to have to ask you to put this blindfold on," Kurt smiles cheekily, holding out a blindfold.

"Okay, sure," Blaine suspiciously smiled, and took the blindfold and put over his eyes.

"Oh, and also, you have to listen to music," Kurt grinned at his beautiful husband.

"Okay, fine," Blaine said, whilst getting his phone and headphones out and getting lost in the music out.

"I love you," Kurt smiled and looked out the window.

"I love you too," Blaine said.

After about 7 hours, they finally landed in Paris, the city of love.

When they had landed and taxing to the parking space, Kurt instructed Blaine to take off his blindfold and take his headphones out of his ears and stop the music.

"Do you want to know where we are?" Kurt asked, excitedly.

"Yes, I want to know so bad," Blaine replied, even more excited.

"Okay, we are in..... Paris, the city of love," Kurt exclaimed.

"Oh my god, thank you!! I love you," Blaine said, leaning in to hug and kiss his husband.

"Aaaaawww, I love you too," Kurt replied.

After that conversation, everyone was starting to leave the plane, so Klaine followed after them.

Once they were off the plane, they went to search for a place to eat.

After they ate some food, they went and hailed a taxi to their hotel.

Upon the arrival of the taxi, they were standing outside ready to go and explore the city.

When they got to their hotel, it looked amazing from the outside.

They got in the hotel and went to the refrigeration desk and did what you usually do, like say your name and then they give you your room keys.

At 15:30, they arrived in their hotel room. It was really neat and had a really pretty view of the Eiffel Tower.

"This is lovely," Kurt said, as he laid down on the bed.

"I know, this is just unbelievably gorgeous," Blaine replied, as he laid down next to his husband. "You are too!"

"Aaaaawww, you are too!!" Kurt smiled, then leant down to kiss his husband.

"Right, what do you want to do?" Blaine asked.

"I don't know, I'm tired, and jet-lagged, so, maybe, we can do some exploring tomorrow?" Kurt answered.

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