Wedding Shoe Game Surprise

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When Kurt and Blaine got married, they did a shoe game before they danced their first dance as husbands.

Before the shoe game, they had eaten dinner and listened to all the lovely (and emotional) speeches.

Then, one of the guests took two chairs and sat them back to back on the dance floor.

Kurt and Blaine then carefully sat down on them, and once they had sat down, they gave one shoe to the other.

After a few minutes, the game started, which was nice for everyone and for Kurt and Blaine.

"Who said 'I love you' first?" The guest questioned.

Both Kurt and Blaine held up Blaine's shoe.

"Who made the first move?" The guest called out into the microphone.

Both of them held up Blaine's shoe as well this time!!

"Who is messier?" The guest also asked.

Both of them held up their husband's shoe.

"Who's the better driver?" The guest asked again!!

They both took quite a long time to answer, before putting a shoe, their own shoe, in the air.

"Who is the better cook?" The guest questioned.

Both took a while to answer the question, but they got an answer ready within 2 minutes. Both held up Blaine's shoe.

"Who wears the pants in the relationship?" The guest quizzed the married couple.

Kurt took only about 30 seconds, before he held up his own shoe, but Blaine took about a minute before answering, which he held up Kurt's as well.

"Who flirts the most?" The guest requested.

Both of them didn't take long to answer, since it was an obvious question. Kurt and Blaine both held up Blaine's shoe.

"Who has to always have the final words in an argument?" The guest buzzed.

Both Kurt and Blaine held up Kurt's shoe, since it was pretty obvious who would have the final words in an argument.

"Who shops more?" The guest asked.

Kurt immediately held up his shoe, then a few seconds later, Blaine held up Kurt's shoe.

"Who has the better laugh?" The guest questioned.

Both of them held up both shoes because both of them thought they both have a very attractive laugh.

"Who gives the better presents?" The guest called out into the microphone.

Kurt, no doubt, instantly put Blaine's shoe in the air, he always gives the better presents. Then, soon after, Blaine held up his own shoe.

"Who gives the most unexpected surprises?" The guest asked.

Right after the question was said, Kurt straight up put Blaine's shoe in the air, since he's done the most unexpected things to him. Right after Blaine held up Kurt's shoe, since he thought the same thing.

"Who would rather go on an outdoor adventure type like honeymoon?" The guest questioned, half-smiled.

Kurt cheekily smiled as he held up Blaine's shoe. Then, after a while, Blaine held up both shoes.

"Who'd rather go to a warm place for their honeymoon?" The guest buzzed.

The couple took a while to answer before holding up both shoes.

Now the exciting part, thought Kurt, smiling to himself.

"Who has already booked a 3-week trip to The Caribbean for their honeymoon?" The guest asked.

Blaine looked confused for a second, before turning around and looking at his amazing husband.

Kurt just smiled and got up to kiss and hug him.

"Thank you for that," Blaine whispered, into Kurt's neck as they were hugging.

"You're very welcome," Kurt smiled, and kissed him on the cheek as they were soon getting out of hold. "That's also for everything you've done for me!!"

They then both said 'I love you' to each other one more time before going back to their table to have their first meal as husband and husband.

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