Three Year Anniversary

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Another year down. Wow, time does go fast. For this year, Kurt was doing something special for his husband.

He had the surprise planned for in the evening, so he had nearly everything ready, apart from asking Rachel to take care of Tracey and Hepburn for the night. He just had to find a very attractive outfit to wear.

Blaine was sleeping, so he could just go quickly to the shop, but he might see it and he didn't want to spoil the surprise. So, he didn't choose to go right now.

After about 10 minutes, Blaine had woken up and making himself and his husband coffee.

"Happy anniversary," Blaine grinned to his husband.

"Happy anniversary to you too," Kurt smiled to his husband.

At about 4'o'clock, Kurt decided to go shopping for the surprise he had for Blaine later that evening. He felt really embarrassed because he had to buy some weird things for a lap dance he was going to give to Blaine.

He bought the things and then, went home and hid the things he had bought somewhere where Blaine wouldn't see them.

About an hour later, after he had gotten home, it was dinner time, so Kurt made Blaine his favourite.

Whilst eating dinner, Kurt decided to tell Blaine, what he had planned to do that evening.

"So, I know this is our 3 year anniversary, and so therefore, I want to do something for you that I think you will love, but there is a catch to it, though," Kurt said, finishing his plate and smiling to his husband.

"Ooooohhh, I'm excited!!" Blaine said, putting down his knife and fork and clapped his hands excitedly!!

"Whilst I'm getting everything ready, you have to stay in the living room because I want everything to be a surprise, okay!!" Kurt smiled cheekily.

"Okay, I'm fine with that," Blaine said, finally finishing his plate.

The time was now 20:00 (8pm), and they were sitting in the living room, just talking about how their lives had been wonderful.

Kurt had decided that he would give the surprise to Blaine at about 23:00 (11pm).

Nearly 3 hours later, Kurt was ready to give his wonderful and romantic surprise to his amazing husband.

The bedroom had rose petals scattered around the floor and the bed. Also, a chair was in front of the bed, which Blaine would sit in, whilst Kurt is lap dancing on him.

Blaine was waiting in the living room, whilst Kurt was finishing his final touches to his surprise.

After 1 minute or so, Kurt came out of the bedroom and covered Blaine's eyes from behind and said...

"Are you ready for your surprise?" Kurt whispered softly into his ear.

"Oh, I am so ready," Blaine said happily, smiling to his touch.

"Okay, good!!" Kurt laughed and climbed over the couch, so that now he was sitting beside his beautiful husband, still covering his eyes.

Kurt ordered Blaine to stand up and walk to the bedroom carefully and once they had reached the bedroom, Kurt slowly uncovered his husband's eyes, waiting patiently for his reaction. 

"So, is this my surprise?" Blaine asked and turned to his husband.

"Kind of," Kurt replied. "You have to sit on that chair to get your actual surprise."

Blaine sat down on the chair and waited for his husband.

After about 10 seconds, Kurt was ready to give him his surprise.

He put on some sexy music and started dancing to Blaine. He was swaying his hips and touching his body slowly and sexily.

Blaine was sitting there and was speechless. He couldn't believe what was happening in front of his eyes. His husband was giving him a lap dance!!!

Kurt was dancing and soon, he ended up on Blaine's lap. He then started circling his hips and looked Blaine straight in the eyes and smiled. He had his hands on Blaine's shoulders to give him support.

Blaine was itching to touch his husband, but he was guessing he wasn't allowed to. He was so close to touching him, when Kurt noticed him and said "Nuh uh."

"No, no, no!" Kurt screamed softly. "Wait, you did something that you weren't allowed to do, so I'm going to have to give you punishment," Kurt carried on.

"What kind of punishment?" Blaine wondered, looking at his husband.

"You'll see," Kurt smiled cheekily.

"Oh, okay," Blaine responded sadly.

Kurt carefully got up from Blaine's lap and went to the closet to get a scarf and a pair of handcuffs.

"Close your eyes," Kurt smiled cheekily to Blaine. "Put your hands behind your back, as well."

Blaine closed his eyes and put his hands behind his back.

Kurt handcuffed his husband's hands carefully, whilst whispering "This is part of your punishment," into his ear.

Then, Kurt straightened the scarf, next, he took the ends, and held them tightly. After he had done that, he placed the scarf onto his husband's eyes and paused halfway and whispered "That was the rest of your punishment." Over and above that, he then, carried on tying the scarf and tied it securely behind his head.

"There, are you happy now?" Kurt happily joked, whilst going to stand in front of Blaine.

"Oh, yes," Blaine said sarcastically. "But, in a way, this is quite nice," he carried on.

"Oh, you are soon going to change your mind about that," Kurt cheekily said.

Kurt then turned the music a bit louder and ended up back on Blaine's lap again. He circled his hips in his husband's groin, and listening to him groan and moan in pleasure.

Blaine was actually really happy about the blindfold and the handcuffs because he had never experienced it before and he had always wanted to. Anyways, Blaine was enjoying it.

After about 45 minutes of Kurt lap dancing on Blaine, Kurt thought that it was enough of that for that time. So, then Kurt rises up from Blaine's lap and gets the key for the handcuffs and gets them off. He decides to leave the blindfold on just because he wants to.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Blaine wandered, looking blindly into the distance.

"I'm tidying up, what does it look like? Oh wait, you can't see, haha!!" Kurt laughed cheekily.

"I was referring back to the blindfold," Blaine pointed to it.

"Oh, right. Well, I thought that maybe we could have, you know, but you would be blindfolded," Kurt smiled, leaning on Blaine's knees.

"Oh, okay, that sounds amazing," Blaine smiled.

Then, you know what happened next.

After that, they went to bed peacefully.

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