Forgetting Kurt's Birthday

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It was Kurt's birthday in a week, and Blaine, his super famous boyfriend, was on tour with his band mates.

They had been dating for about nearly three years now, and they had been keeping the relationship a secret because they wanted to and Kurt wanted to take it slow, as in, the relationship.

When Blaine heard that he wanted to take it slow, being the nice and wonderful boyfriend he is, he said, 'sure, whatever makes you happy.'

Blaine was in a band, and they were like one of the top boybands and favourited. They had been on many interviews about their songs and their lives.

Blaine was on tour around the world for about five months, going home for a few days, then leaving again and so on.

Kurt's birthday was on the 20th of June and Blaine started touring on the 20th January, so that would mean, that he was going to be somewhere else when it was Kurt's birthday.

Kurt cried to sleep that night when he found out that Blaine was going on tour with his band and that he would be away during his birthday.

During the majority of when Blaine was on tour, Kurt was occupying himself with studying for his final college exams, to which he was worried sick for.

After all the exams he did, he went out to dinner with his friends because he wanted to.

It was now the 18th of June and so it was two days before his birthday and Blaine was still away, when Kurt heard that Blaine was still going to be away for a one more month, at least.

2 days later, it was Kurt's birthday. He was going to spend alone, since his boyfriend was out of town and Santana and Rachel were busy with their lives, as if to say they were working.

Blaine came home on that 22nd of June and Kurt was very delighted to see him after a week.

"Did anything special happen 2 days ago?" Kurt casually asked.

"No, not really. Why? Did I miss something or?" Blaine wondered and replied back to him.

"Um, you missed my birthday?!" Kurt answered melancholy.

"Oh, my god, I'm so sorry, I was so caught up in my tour that I just completely forgot." Blaine apologised, as he sat down next to Kurt.

"It's okay." Kurt replied.

"Look, may I please make it up to you? I've missed you so much and I'd love to have dinner with you after a long tour even though, I'm carrying on with the tour," Blaine spoke gently.

"Yes, of course, you can. I missed you too!! I love you so much!" Kurt hugged Blaine.

"I love you too," Blaine hugged back and kissed him on the cheek.

Fast forward, three days later, Blaine had just finished dinner and decorated the apartment with strings of hearts and any romantic thing you could think of.

Kurt had to go for a tiny errand for work, so, he just had to go and leave his husband behind.

When he came home, Blaine was standing behind the dining table and smiling at Kurt.

Kurt smiled back and went to hug his amazing husband and say that he loved him.

"I love you too," Blaine grinned. "Do you want to eat?"

"Of course, it looks delicious," Kurt excitedly whispered.

After half an hour, they were finished dinner and were sitting in the couch watching Moulin Rouge!

On the 28th June, Blaine had to leave again for the Army, so Kurt came with to the airport and they hugged, kissed so much and said 'love you' so many times.

Then, 6 months later, when it was Christmas, Blaine surprised Kurt at home and told him he was never going back to the Army, to which Kurt replied with "yaaay!!"

Also, they kissed and hugged so much like never before. Then, they could actually enjoy the rest of their lives together.

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