Five Year Anniversary

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Five years later, they were still happily married. This time, Kurt was going to do something fantastic and unforgettable to Blaine.

He was going to take him to a secret location and do a performance for him. Since Tracey and Hepburn were being taken care of by Rachel, Kurt wanted to make sure that Blaine would remember this anniversary.

He was really excited to take him to a secret location and reminisce the old times.

Kurt woke up and got breakfast and coffee ready for his husband. He put it on the table after when he was done. Then, went back to their bedroom to wake him up.

After he had woken up and got dressed, both of them ate breakfast and drank coffee. They both were talking about how fast the time goes.

"I have a surprise for you later on," Kurt smirked, cheekily.

"Ooooohhh, I'm excited!!" Blaine said, finishing his breakfast and looked up to stare at his wonderful husband.

"You should be excited," Kurt said, before he got up and cleaned the table.

The next few hours, they spent just cuddling and watched their favourite movie.

At about 13:30, Kurt and Blaine decided to go out to buy each other a Five Year Anniversary present, after they had eaten lunch.

An hour later, they had split up to find each other a present. They were both thinking about how their life had gone so fast and how much they love each other.

Kurt was in a clothes shop and looking for something for his husband. Blaine was in a shop where you can basically get everything from, for his fantastic husband.

At around 15:15, they met up and went home in a taxi, with their shopping done for the other half.

When they got home, they say cuddled for about 15 minutes because then they had to leave to go to the secret location for the special surprise.

They got ready after about 5 minutes, then they started walking to the taxi. Before Kurt walked out the door, Kurt took a scarf and some headphones with him for his husband.

They were in a taxi, on their way to the secret location, within 5 minutes.

After about 10 minutes, Kurt sneaked out the scarf and asked Blaine to shut his eyes, so that Kurt could blindfold him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Blaine screeched in nervousness.

"I'm blindfolding you because I don't want you to know where we are going until the last minute, okay?" Kurt smiles cheekily, while putting on the blindfold on his husband.

"Okay," Blaine smiled.

"Not only do you have to be blindfolded, but you are going to put these earphones in and listen to music," Kurt said, whilst handing Blaine the earphones and taking out his phone.

Once he was listening to music, the driver asked what he was doing, to which Kurt replied 'I have a surprise for him, to which I'm taking him to where we first met and do a special performance for him.'

The driver then replied 'aaaww, that seems really nice and kind.'

After about 10 more minutes, they were finally at the secret location. Once there, Kurt took out one of Blaine's earphones, so that he could hear what Kurt was saying.

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